Hip popping, now thigh numbness

Hip popping, now thigh numbness2013-04-17T17:50:12+00:00
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  • MelS
    Post count: 1


    I’ve been doing Bikram Yoga for 40 days. I did 15/30 the first month and am now doing a 30/30 challenge.

    Healthwise, I’ve never done yoga before. I have led a moderately active life, though I have had a more sedentary life the past 3 years because of graduate school.

    A few weeks ago, during camel pose, my left hip ‘popped’ (I heard and felt it) causing me to retract immediately. After class my hip and leg were sore; I was encouraged to keep coming but stay in touch with my body and ease into things. I did that and the pain eventually went away and I was able to do camel pose again without worries.

    Then 2 classes ago my *right* hip popped similarly. I thought I must be aligning things and since the left side had straightened itself out I wasn’t too worried. Now, however, I have noticed that the top of my right thigh is numb. It doesn’t hurt nor have weakness, but it’s disturbing. I don’t know if I pinched a nerve or if my muscles are pulling in some way to cause this. I’m intuiting that I should proceed as before and let this also work itself out, but I’m concerned about doing permanent nerve damage.

    What do you think?


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Melanie

    Welcome to the forum. So, that must have been very upsetting to have that happen the first time and then the second. Quite alarming! Honestly, I would go and see someone about it. It sounds as though some investigation is warranted. If there’s nothing there to be concerned about then we can look at your technique and what we can tweak. it really is best to rule out anything serious. If it’s nothing then you can approach your yoga KNOWING everything is fine and we have carte blanche to get in there, ask the right questions and take it from there.

    Without seeing you or knowing your practice and reading what you’ve said AND knowing how important that whole area is, I believe you should make an appointment now. If you have numbness and you felt a pop and it didn’t feel good then I would even consider stopping yoga until you have more information (if you intuit that is the approach for you).

    I imagine some kind of imaging will happen so you can see the ‘lay of the land’.

    I do know that there will be people who say, “just do the yoga and it will fix”. I also know that that is not true in all cases.

    How does that approach feel for you?

    Gabrielle 🙂

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