How do you breathe when you are in this posture?

How do you breathe when you are in this posture?2009-03-12T21:26:36+00:00
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  • Becks
    Post count: 16

    Hi Gabrielle!

    Becks again – I guess I am at that stage where loads of questions have come up at once, please forgive me if you feel bombarded! :red:

    When I am in this pose and I am fully extended (fingers under my heels, chest and forehead sandwiched along the front of my body elbows behind my calves) I find it really difficult to breathe because my stomach/chest moves me away from my body when I breathe in. I try to keep my breath smooth and even but I always end up gasping in the end! :gulp:

    Thanks in advance for your reply…

    Post count: 41

    I am no expert, but if your stomach/chest moves away from you , you might have to bend the knees a bit and go for there, just to give yourself a little “breathing room” until you are able to bring it all the way and be able to breath.

    Post count: 356

    where r your shoulders? and r u pulling your biceps? is your back straight and neck loose? just things to think about that would make your breathe hard for u

    Post count: 16

    Yes, shoulders away from my ears and pulling my body down with bicep strength, but I wonder if I need to breathe differently or hold my stomach tight but still breath somehow. :question:

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Becks

    The first thing that popped into my head was that perhaps you are experiencing some strain in your upper body. I was wondering if it was at all possible that you are applying a little too much effort from your shoulders? Then I awoke this morning to find that Amy and you have been exploring that together. :cheese:

    In my experience I have found that although there is challenge in this pose and one works really hard, that with the legs straight there is a sort of ease in the breath. Would you try this pose even at home and see if and where you are feeling any sort of strain.

    If abdomino-diaphragmatic breath is not working for you in this case, then you could try diaphragmatic chest breathing (holding the tummy in and allowing the lower ribs and chest to expand somewhat).

    The other thing is that you could see if you can more consciously let go of your hip muscles and your lower back muscles as you lift your hips up. Sometimes the focus can be so strongly on the legs locking out that people forget that there are muscles that you have to let go of.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 16

    Thank you all so much for your replies! I will definately try to let go of any tensions where they should not be and I will have a go at diaphragmatic chest breathing and see if this helps. I will try it at home first to see what is happening. Thanks again! 🙂

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