How or actually whether to approach a 30 day challenge when recovering from exhaustion

How or actually whether to approach a 30 day challenge when recovering from exhaustion2008-11-16T15:44:18+00:00

The Hot Yoga Doctor – Free Bikram and Hot Yoga Resources Hot Yoga Doctor Forum Injuries, Restrictions, Ailments, Pose Modifications Illnesses/Ailments How or actually whether to approach a 30 day challenge when recovering from exhaustion

The Hot Yoga Doctor – Free Bikram and Hot Yoga Resources Hot Yoga Doctor Forum Injuries, Restrictions, Ailments, Pose Modifications Illnesses/Ailments How or actually whether to approach a 30 day challenge when recovering from exhaustion

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  • Tee42
    Post count: 19

    I hope it’s ok to post even though I am not a member of your yoga facility.

    Background on me: I’ve been active for my entire life. When my sons went off to college I decided to go back to school to study massage therapy. Hindsight I was looking to fill my empty nest with activity and fill it I did. Between school, studying and additional hours at work to pay for all of our educations here I am three years later graduated, nationally certified and totally exhausted. During my schooling I practiced T-Tapp, Kundalini Yoga, meditation and breath work. I also ate really well. I think those things saved me from more serious health issues due to exhaustion.

    This past summer I discovered Bikram yoga through an old Rachel Welch vhs tape – two tapes actually – a full practice and another tape with shorter practices for each day.
    The closest Bikram studio is over 200 miles from me so a series of classes is not possible.

    I have found the Bikram series to be very healing and have wondered if going through a 30 day challenge could elevate me out of this exhaustive fog I’m trying to leave behind. I have never been able to string together more than 6 days straight of the full practice. Yet when I did do those 6 days straight I was amazed at how quickly I progressed. By the end of the week I was actually able to do toe stand. So for me the problem is not lack of strength or balance so much as finding myself exhausted and worn out after doing a full practice for 6 days straight.

    I purchased a Barkan dvd and Yoga Challenge I by Tony Sanchez thinking that the one hour format might make a difference. I found that I simply didn’t connect to their sequencing the way I do the true Bikram sequence. I also purchased Rachel Welch’s book and Bikram’s book.

    So after all that here is my question or questions really. Do you think that I should try to push through the exhaustion and force myself to do the 30 day challenge with the full sequence or would it be better to do a shorter sequence for 30 days or do as many full days as possible and do shorter days if I can’t manage a full day?

    I know about your new set and plan to purchase it and I believe that it will be an integral part of my recovery. I just don’t want to allow my practice to fall totally to the wayside in the mean time.

    I’m editing this to clarify that I have been cleared by my doctor. I also wanted to share that on day 7 I came home went straight to bed and slept 14 hours got up ate and went back to bed and slept for an additional 8.



    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Lannette and welcome to the forum. Nice to have you here :cheese:

    You know, to be honest until I started this forum in February this year, I had never heard of the 30 day challenge. Traditionally there has always been a 60 day challenge. This 2 month feat is one where the yogi is allowed to and even supposed to take a single rest day every week. It is up to you if you want to take an extra class on that day off. You may not feel as if you need to take that day but it is great to know that you can. You can change it around so when you really feel the need you take the day. I don’t recommend systems where your ability to choose is taken away from you.

    As studio owners we noticed that for the most part, even with students taking a day off a week, that the time and energy commitment over 60 days was sometimes too much for a significant proportion of participants. Some of these even gave up practice after the challenge.

    It is my guess that someone proposed the 30 day challenge as something that is more within the reach of a greater number of students in that it is easier to commit to 1 month than 2. No rest days I guess was a way of differentiating the challenge. And by the way, I am quite happy to be corrected on any of that.

    So here are the answer to your questions: no (don’t push through exhaustion and force yourself), no (to shorter sequences) and then no (full and short days with an ad hoc approach)! 😆 Consider the following idea and tell me how that resonates for you!

    I think that your challenge has to deliver YOU YOUR results. It seems clear to me that while you get your benefits from many classes per week, you really NEED your day off. No one HAS to do anything. Personal choice dictates what you do in RESPONSE to your needs.

    Go ahead and do 6 days per week. Choose the day you take off according to your need for rest. No point burning yourself out for the sake of an artificial goal.

    I think you will really benefit from;
    a) the reliability of what you are supposed to achieve in each class – a full class without changes
    b) the discipline and
    c) the rest that you need and deserve.

    One way I have mentioned elsewhere that has really helped me feel as if I have had 2 days off is to stagger a couple of the classes. On one of your days do a morning class. Then wait until the next evening. It is surprising how well this works. So if for example you choose Sunday as your day off, you could do a Friday morning class and a Saturday evening class. You could do your Monday class in the evening. And voila you have several days in a row that feel free that allow you to participate in your life 😉 plus rejuvenate yourself.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 19

    Consider the following idea and tell me how that resonates for you!

    It definitely provokes a response. 😆 It makes me feel a little nervous because It means taking up a challenge and really committing daily time to myself after three years of squeezing self care into the odd spaces of my life. Yet it also excites me.

    I’m not even sure where I came up with the idea of a 30 day challenge. I don’t think it was solely from this forum. It may have been at videofitness as that is where I first learned of Bikram yoga and of your forum. In Raquel’s book she mentions the initial 30-60 day period and I may have latched onto 30 days because it sounds infinitely shorter than 60 days. :gulp:

    So, I’m going to begin with the tools I have on hand while looking forward to when your set will again be available. I’m going to be present in each practice so I can really feel how my body is responding. And I’m going to stagger my practices as you suggested if I feel the need.

    Thank you for your swift and very motivational response Gabrielle,


    Oh and my avatar isn’t a symbol of my exhaustion as I originally thought when I chose it. It actually symbolizes the successful completion of each practice I embark upon and their power to restore.

    Post count: 19

    Wowsa! I knew that my loft was getting hot but not Hot Hot. I decided to try practicing in my bathroom since I can heat it more effectively. I was able to get the temperature up to 98 and what a difference.

    I’m sore and day 3 is always tough for me but the heat really helped to melt all that away. Oh no doubt I’ll be feeling it tomorrow but for tonight I’m on cloud 9!


    Post count: 19

    I finished week one and am two days into week 2. I did end up taking the 7th day as a rest day and slept a long night but woke up refreshed.

    Post count: 19

    Finished week 2 and am 2 days into week 3. So far so good. I can’t wait to get the MasterClass set!

    Post count: 19

    I just finished the sixth practice of week 4 last night and thought I’d update this thread. I’m definitely feeling stronger and less fatigued overall. I’ve received my MasterClass set and have been using the descriptions and advice in the manual to do some self led practices. I plan on resting today and then will begin to use the DVD this weekend. I can’t wait!

    Post count: 19

    I just wanted to come in and update my progress. I finished my 6-day/week 60 day (8 week) challenge. I was pretty beat by the last week due to the fact that I had to work a lot of hours and was short on sleep but none-the-less I did my full practices.

    Yesterday I tried the 35 minute double practice off the Hot Yoga MasterClass doubles dvd and loved it. I was feeling kind of burnt out after 60 days and was a little fearful that I might bag Hot Yoga due to burn out, which is the last thing I want to do. Having the shorter practices available is going to make all the difference. Thanks Gabrielle!

    Post count: 19

    Just updating. I’m happy to report that I’m still practicing Bikram yoga. I presently practice 3-4 times a week and continue to enjoy and benefit from it very much. I’ve also added in some other fitness activities and am active 7 days of the week. My energy levels are much better than they had been before my 60 day challenge.

    Post count: 356

    I am so excited for you!! thanks for the update and keep letting us know

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