How to breathe when sweat drips in nose

How to breathe when sweat drips in nose2008-03-06T17:56:05+00:00
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    Post count: 134

    Posted by LRSD

    Hello! I’ve been practicing Bikram off and on for about a year. Every so often (I think it’s when the room is really humid) sweat drips into my nose during this pose and I can’t breathe. Any suggestions on what to do when this happens? If I try and breathe through my mouth I start to feel really dizzy. Thank you for your help!

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048


    Oh, isn’t that annoying. I think it happens to us all. Maybe someone else will formally agree! 😉

    There really isn’t much more you can do than wipe your nose if it happens. As you say it doesn’t happen very often and only when it is very humid. Breathing through your mouth hasn’t helped probably because you can’t draw in enough oxygen.

    I don’t like to recommend wiping sweat ever because it is the way the body stays cool. And if you allow that in class then people start to use it as a crutch and often an excuse to interrupt their meditation when they can’t stick it out and just breathe! It is very distracting to have this extra unnecessary focus.

    You could try having a tissue around and when conditions are particularly humid you could blow your nose before this pose. You will blow out the extra drips that are there which would accumulate and the tissue will soak up potentially offending drips around the nose and above the lip.

    So really, just take care of it, but don’t ever let it become a habit you perform religiously every class.

    Gabrielle 🙂

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    Post count: 134

    Posted by Robert

    I have the same issue, being a big sweater (hmmm … that sounds like something you wear?) – and not just in this pose either. (Rabbit is another)

    Anyway, I just do a quick “puff out” through my nose in the pose (or entering if needed) as if trying to get rid of a pesky fly that has flown in there.

    I think this is pretty safe as the sweat will only blow off into your towel. Just don’t do it if you have a cold as well!



    Post count: 41

    I always feel like I am drowning in this posture when it goes up my nose.
    Sometimes I give a quick “blow” to the nose, lightly to encourage the sweat to move to another part of the face.
    Yes, something like what Robert has described . . . .then the posture is quickly done and on to the next . . .

    Post count: 18

    Hahaha, I have the same issue. Sometimes it feels like the sweat’s literally tripping into my brain, hehe.
    I haven’t found a decent solution so far, but I’m not sure there is. I suppose our sinuses will just be very clean. Pain kills the pain, right? 😉

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