I got sooo sick!

I got sooo sick!2011-03-22T15:56:13+00:00
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  • junebug457
    Post count: 3

    Hi ! I just started yoga about 2 weeks ago. I went 6 days straight, then 2 off , then 2 on then 2 off then 2 on. I woke yesterday morning feeling so sick with fever, cough, body aches and pains and wanted to just sleep all day! This is very rare for me as I always have alot of energy. I am wondering if this has happened to anyone else. I am confused because I never get sick (at least not in the last 3 years(. Now, I started yoga, and boom…do you think I pushed it too much? AM I just detoxing, should I take it easy when I try to return tomorrow or push through it? It was such a downer as I was doing so well, seeing improvements (Thanks to the master class book I just bought!!)and now I have had to take 2 days off….Any help would be appreciated! By the way… I just love the open, honest and compassion that this website is full of! If the whole world were this compassionate we wouldnt need yoga! LOL

    Post count: 42

    Here’s my take, Junebug. Just my little take 🙂
    I went back to Bikram yoga because I suffered migraines. I vaguely remembered that when I was 18 and did that yoga I didn’t get them. So, I went back after years of being away. After the second class, I had a horrible migraine. Just one, though. Since, then I have never had a full-blown migraine in the two years I’ve been practicing since. They’d been crippling before, and I just don’t get them now.

    I imagine your body is detoxing, but who knows? You could have just gotten the flu or something. I’d take it slow. According to what the teachers say, you only need to attend 3x/week to see improvement. More if you want it to be faster, but start slow, especially since you were sick. Try every other day for a while? That’s more than what most people do!

    Post count: 3

    Thank you so much for the reply! I will take your advice…every other day is a good start! I forget that I don’t have to power through it and teach by next month! Sometimes you just need little reminders like that ! Glad to hear your migraines are no more! Good for you! I love the hot yoga and how it makes me feel. This is day number three where I still feel weak and sick and am missing class. I do have my yoga books at home I am reading so when I do make it back to class I will have some new things to shoot for while doing the poses! Your encouragement and kind words are beautiful! Thank you very much!

    Post count: 67

    I’m like you and rarely get sick as well these days. But keep in mind that most people, even healthy people, get sick once or twice a year. And I think it’s great that you get sick less than that, but I think sometimes – your body and mind need it. Which sounds weird, but personally, my thought process on this is that you have a wonderful body and immune system that can fight off colds and flu pretty well. Unless you’re not getting all the things you need – and then your body finds a way to demand what it needs. Like a few days spent curled up on the couch with some chicken soup and a mental break from work. Personally – I went through a big change when I figured that out. I used to get sick 3 or 4 times a year. And then I realized that when I did get sick – that some sort of self-care was really what I needed, so instead of being subconciously jealous that my husband was home from work laying on the sofa with a book being sick and then thinking it was inevitible that I would get sick from being exposed to his germs… (which was always a self-fulfilling prophecy) I would schedule a few hours of guilt-free relaxation when my body and mind crave it. And voila – no more getting sick. Well, except about a year or so ago, I broke my streak of about 3.5 years of not being sick. Realized I hadn’t been eating well (had been rushed and busy and eating junk on the go), was stressed about a number of things, kept trying to exercise through it, and there you go. Sick – and it was a doozy. But it was a reminder that I can’t eat junk so much and need to pay attention to my needs, not just rely on the fact that “I never get sick anymore”. The true statement is more like “I never get sick anymore as long as I take care of myself”… but it’s still trial and error sometimes. 🙂

    Hopefully that makes sense. I guess what I’m saying is that there are a lot of reasons we get sick, and it could be something as simple as being less hydrated than normal while getting used to hot yoga affected your immune system temporarily. Or you were jumping in to do too much too fast and you were a little worn out? There could be other factors going on in your life too, or you were just exposed to more germs than normal. But I would just look and see if you should change anything if you think you may have been dehydrated/overworked/jumping in too fast, and if not – realize that we do get sick sometimes, and don’t worry about it. It happens.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Juni

    Yes I am so grateful for the wonderful forum that we’ve created together! Thanks so much for your appreciation.

    What you are saying reminds me of when I started. I had ‘the addiction’ like so many others. There were times I couldn’t go (yes I too got sick less than 2 weeks in) sometimes it was work. The lesson was to let that attachment go too. You have the commitment and the passion to continue. It IS ok to let your body physically recover, to gain some mental space, to NOT go to yoga sometimes. It’s all part of the process. Let go of the guilt and trust that you will be back.

    Connie I like your affirmation.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 3

    Thank you again for the beautiful reminders about taking care of myself! Now I am on day 4 of still being sick, but I will just let it do what it needs to do and then get back to class! I ordered the yoga body vitamins and B12, so maybe this will help me once I get going again! I am so happy to have found new friends and others that are passionate about yoga and can help guide me and keep me focused. It is WONDERFUL!!

    Post count: 2

    I went through the same thing, once my fever was gone I still felt weak and wanted to sleep alot. Its important to listen to your body, BUT….your mind will play tricks on you because its not used to be challanged in this capacity. Everyone is different, just something to think about. There is nothing wrong with doing the poses you can and laying down as needed your brain will get the hint:)

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