I think I tore something, what to do?

I think I tore something, what to do?2012-12-22T18:53:46+00:00
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  • Cyberry
    Post count: 67

    Hi Gabrielle,

    today I attended my last class before going on holiday and two-thirds into standing bow – right leg up, I felt a distinct tearing sensation under my left sit bone as I kicked up, dropped down stretching forward focusing on getting shoulders aligned in line behind each other and hips square… A gruesome, scary sensation which took me totally by surprise – so much so that I rather inelegantly cried in shock.

    I felt no immediate sharp pain, but that tearing sensation made me very cautious. I sat down for a while to see how it would develop. Sat out rest of standing series except for last posture. Floor was OK but I could feel dull pain and severe tenderness developing in that area.

    Hamstring tear?

    This feels like a major setback since I had a hamstring injury (right buttock) for 2 years which for the past three months finally seemed to have healed properly, allowing me to stretch fully into postures I’ve always had to be a little careful with – which felt great: e.g. standing sep leg stretching (head touching floor), head to knee on floor finally folding ‘double’ during intense stretch part.

    Needless to say, I could not even attempt these today… So what to do? Take complete rest or carry on doing ‘Bikram lite’ for the next three weeks during my holidays?

    Any treatments/exercises I could do to aid the healing process?

    Your advice would be much appreciated as always.


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Cyberry

    🙁 That is definitely not the sort of thing that you want to happen before a holiday.

    Have you got ANY chance at all to see somebody about it? It seems to me that although we could come near enough with a diagnosis or even a treatment plan, I think it’s best to see a body-trained specialist (physio or something).

    While you’re on holidays you may not get the yoga room heat-treatment during yoga that you’re used to. Low temp yoga would allow you to be an even better observer cos you would definitely be going less deeply into poses. However it is possible that you could cause some tugging and tearing on the injury site.

    The injury that you mention SEEMS to be at the sit bone. You need some professional advice: Whether to use gentle exercise such as walking and swimming or more intense with gentle yoga; whether to use ice and heat; whether to avoid yoga completely.

    Can you tell me what your gut feel is?

    I know you are likely to remember the threads about hamstring injuries. Mine in particular after months and months of limitation, then months using long duration yin type stretches to work into it, hoping and hoping that it would fix and it just plain did not. This awakening had me heal it by strengthening exercises. To me that was countering what I had come to believe as hot yoga folklore and that you would have heard too: “The yoga will fix it”. Perhaps not.

    You want to have a great holiday. So, if you can, find out what it is that you need to focus on while you’re away: Rest, stretching or strengthening as the primary focus.

    Happy and fun and restful holidays

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 67

    Hi Gabrielle,

    Thanks so much for your quick response! I had visions of you decorating the Christmas tree and far away from the Forum :-).

    It’s pretty bad… The pain set in a couple of hours after it happened, my left hip’s also feeling tight and stiff. I intend to see a physio (although I’m not a great fan I have to confess), but it’s that time of the year where everyone is on holiday so it won’t happen till after the new year.

    I won’t have access to a hot room the first five days but I was planning on practicing by myself until I go to a studio in the city afterwards…

    They say 72 hours rest, then perhaps try practicing gently without the heat and see how it goes…? Strengthening exercises sound good, I think that’s probably the way to go. (That it happened at all perplexes me somewhat. I’ve grown stronger these past months and didn’t really exert myself, so my guess is there must have been a weakness.) But what?

    I’ll look in the archives, but if you are able to give additional pointers it would be great. I’ve not found many physios familiar with Bikram and I want to address this as best (and recover) as fast as I (reasonably) can! 🙂

    Happy holidays to you too!


    PS: Gut feel is to be very careful, ie avoid yoga for a while – but work on it. Looks like I’m going to have to invest in a boogie board ’cause walking and swimming is a bit too restful for me!

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Cyberry

    One does have to have their filters up when speaking with body professionals sometimes! 😆 There are some hot-yoga-phobes out there! That shouldn’t stop good advice being given … but may introduce some uninvited opinion.

    For me, I was able to use the exercises given me and adapt them to the way I do poses such as Awkward pose. I would perform this similar pose (that looks almost identical) but with a different focus on muscle activation.

    The understanding of what those exercises were supposed to be doing, gave me a framework for which to approach the rest of the yoga poses (which of course included which poses to avoid completely).

    Rest (as your gut feel tells you) is always important in recuperation. You may be just enjoying that fun in the sun on that board and some specific exercises.

    Whichever way, you’ll either be having a yoga-holiday or a yoga holiday. :cheese:

    I PMed you btw.

    Gabrielle 🙂

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