I'm feeling very frustrated with my lack of progress lately…

I'm feeling very frustrated with my lack of progress lately…2008-05-15T19:42:21+00:00
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  • Tani-Sue
    Post count: 8

    Hi Gabrielle! My question doesn’t relate to one particular pose, but to any pose that requires the hips to open…

    I am feeling very frustrated lately with my hips – not because I expect miracles, but because I’m just not seeing/feeling much progression in their flexibility… The other day I did a Hot Hatha class (which is usually my favorite because of the overall feeling of deep stretching), and right off the bat I felt terrible because I couldn’t even sit cross-legged for the arm stretching we were being led through… I’m finding cobblers pose to be extremely depressing as well – as it is very very difficult for me to push my thighs down towards the floor, and even more difficult for me to do this while trying to sit up straight… My lower back feels so weak – it doesn’t want to let me sit up straight with any degree of comfort…

    I have been doing Hot Yoga (not Bikram) for about 3 months now, 4 – 6 times per week, some classes are 60 minutes and some are 90 – I usually try to go for the 90 when I can…

    In one of my previous posts I was wondering about my hips in Tree Pose and you suggested some extra stretching in the heat after class, and I have been doing this… but still am feeling so tight in my low back and hips… Help!! I’m becoming more and more frustrated each day, and I think it’s affecting my ability to concentrate in class…

    Post count: 8


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hello Tani-Sue

    How frustrating that I haven’t got back to you in a reasonable time. It was definitely not my intention to keep you waiting. On a metaphysical level: I was wondering what the universe might be trying to tell you about *patience* or even *letting go*?

    It seems that there is an element of struggle in your practice at the moment. Some of it is physical and some of it mental. It is strange how the mental aspects make the practice so much more difficult to cope with. The mind is usually the reason people skip classes when they had intended to come; it makes up excuses that sabotage even the best of intentions, plans and goals.

    Perhaps a good place to start is to look inside and work out what need of yours is not being met by not presently being able to attain your physical goals. Simply acknowledging this may be the key to *letting go* of the outcome and allowing yourself to *be* and practice yoga.

    OK that is the mental stuff handled in a superficial way. If any of that rings true for you then please respond because together we can nut it out and find a strategy for you to overcome it.

    But now let’s look at the physical side.
    The mental and the physical actually dovetail so when you can mentally relax and let go you will probably find that your body surrenders too.

    I am wondering about your adductor muscles and how willing they are to comply. In cobblers pose and sitting cross legged it sounds as if you have quite some tightness. Are you able to put some towels or something under your knees so that you can settle into the pose without that resistance that has your legs pulling away from the floor (out of tension and pain)?

    Those extra stretches that you are doing will definitely make a difference to you. There are many muscles attached around the pelvis and hips. It may be difficult to learn how to do this but you need to release them. Allow the opening. The anxiety you have around that area may be actually creating tension there. Especially for warrior poses, focus instead on pressing down through your heels and even lifting up your toes off the floor to ground the foot from the ball of the foot back to the heel. With that focus you may find that your hips feel more solidly supported and will let themselves relax.

    You mention a weak feeling in your lower back. Would you let me know if you feel this all the time or if it is just during the poses you mention? It could be as fundamental as needed to develop core strength. Or it could be that your hips are tight and it is difficult to release enough there to be able to lift up out of the hips by tilting the pelvis and finding height in the spine.

    Thank you for being so patient and reminding me with your last message 😉

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 8

    Hello Gabrielle!

    I think you’re right – I definitely feel frustrated that my hips won’t open the way I want them to, and that MUST affect them even more negatively! The instructor that I always talk to at my studio here in Winnipeg keeps telling me to be patient and to just breathe into it – and I am honestly trying to do that… I think it’s because I’m a perfectionist, and instead of just letting myself be in the moment I’m thinking, thinking, thinking the whole time about how I can get my hips/low back/pelvis to open up – and about what I might be doing wrong that’s preventing my progress…

    My lower back (and I think my pelvic area) are very tight all the time actually – when I do back twists during the class it feels very tight and uncomfortable – but I keep trying to do it (I stop at pain though) – even when I’m sitting at my desk and I do twists thoughout the day to loosen up it feels very tight… I am able to bend over quite easily and touch the floor with my whole hands without bending my legs, so in that regard my hips are pretty flexible – but anything in a sideways type of movement (tree etc…) is very stiff… I find that in many positions I have a tendency to “pelvic tilt” instead of pushing my sits bones up towards the ceiling – I try to do this, but it just doesn’t feel natural – it’s like my pelvis always wants to go forward instead of backwards and it’s cememted that way… and I wonder if this is part of my overall problem? My instructor has suggested using a yoga block under the edge of my bum so that I’m almost falling off the front of it to get my lower back and pelvic area to open up more towards the back ceiling (during wide-legged bends) – and I haven’t tried this, but next class that’s the plan…

    Well, I just wanted to give you some further details about my issue since you asked – I am making every effort to just enjoy the practice and the moment – and maybe eventually that will help!

    Thanks again for this great great thing you do Gabrielle!!!

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