Immobilised wrist

Immobilised wrist2010-11-28T20:21:08+00:00
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  • hoppy
    Post count: 3

    Hi Gabrielle, Robert and friends,
    What modifications would you recommend for someone who would like to keep one wrist more or less straight throughout the Bikram/hot yoga series?

    I have a sprained wrist and have been advised to keep it in a neutral position as much as possible.

    There is no discomfort unless I extend the wrist, as in Bhujangasana. (In Salabhasana the wrists are straight and I have no discomfort out of the ordinary.)

    The poses that come with the “grip tightly” instructions – well, I’m just not gripping as tightly as usual. If you have any recommendations for modifying Bhujangasana, it is the most troublesome pose for me right now. (Although you should see me turning around to get into Savasana; it must be hilarious. 😛

    I will ask my teachers at the studio, but if you have thoughts I’d love to know.

    Thank you, and Namaste,

    ->->-> (I forgot to mention… I have a removable wrist brace. I have tried the series wearing it, but it was cumbersome to say the least! I’m not under doctor’s orders to keep it on all the time, so I’m going to try a class without.)

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Marian

    If that’s the only pose you’re having difficulty then that’s great. Here are 2 things you could do.

    One is to simply place your arms one the floor palms down alongside the body and then lift up from there!

    The other is to fold the ones in front of you, forearms parallel to the mirror relaxing them and again, lift from there.

    You should be able to exert almost no pressure of your arms against the floor.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 3

    Thank you, Gabrielle! I did try the arms alongside the body, and it was fine.

    I ended up with the brace back on for the class; it was just too easy to bend the wrist from habit. 8-/

    If anyone has a similar situation and wants to know the other (small) adjustments I’ve made to keep a wrist straight, I’m happy to share.


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