improving odeur during class?

improving odeur during class?2010-11-10T00:47:22+00:00
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  • bunni
    Post count: 60

    I know this is a weird one, but… since compounds in foods like garlic, onions, and alcohol manifest as “aromas” during sweating, I was wondering if anyone has come across foods that can improve your odor during class? I mean, I know sweat is always going to smell sweaty, but are there ways to improve the smell?

    Post count: 40

    Doing a lot of yoga, I guess! I noticed that my sweat was ‘smelling’ much more in the beginning, but later on I hardly noticed any smell. Because I moved to a new house recently, I was not able to do yoga for a couple of weeks. I just started recently. My sweat is ‘smelly’ again. But I am pretty sure that it will improve after a couple of classes.

    Post count: 11

    If your sweat is smelling like ammonia, here’s why. Long story short: you’re not getting enough carbs.

    I also find that coffee can make your sweat stink. On the other hand, eating plenty of fresh fruit makes odour more neutral. In fact, some fruitarians don’t use deodorant.

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