Initial Weight Gain and Appetite changes

Initial Weight Gain and Appetite changes2009-03-05T20:45:37+00:00
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  • GalaYogini
    Post count: 3

    This is almost my fourth month of practicing. I go 4-5 times a week and have been consistently doing so since I started. 🙂 After the second month I noticed some very significant weight gain and by significant I mean around 15lbs more on my very petite normally 100lbs physique.

    I know that my appetite almost doubled if not tripled during my initial month. :vampire: It was only around the end of the second month of practicing when I unconsciously went back to normal appetite and lost all the initial 15lb or so as of now. What piqued my curiosity even further was that yesterday I noticed that I barely ate anything all day even after practice and that my appetite is moving towards a lack there of. I have had an extremely healthy and normal appetite in the past so I am unsure what to make of this.

    I am curious to know if this is normal and if anyone else has experienced this and has some insight to share with me

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi GalaYogini

    I remember my first months at yoga and how it completely changed the way my body operated. I think it is really normal to experience appetite changes. And you may have noticed that the types of foods that you have chosen have changed too. For many it is about your body re-balancing and finding new or better ways to function. I am guessing you were rather surprised that you put on that 15 pounds.

    But still it is worth saying that muscle weighs more than fat. It is likely that you changed shape and it didn’t come only from increasing your fat (if at all). If you work really hard you are likely to increase the size of your muscles as well as weigh more. It does seem however that your body has normalized and you have got back to your comfortable shape so if it were me I don’t think I would be alarmed by the drop in appetite. If you are in the habit of weighing yourself then you know that when you weigh yourself is crucial in working out your real mass. Eg before or after a class, drinking or eating, before or after you evacuate your bowels, at the beginning or the end of the day.

    As long as you have a balanced diet, you are drinking enough water, nourishing your body correctly then all is well. It is better that you check into how you feel, how you fit into your clothes and your happiness quotient (among other things) rather than looking at the number on the scales. What most people notice is that they make the switch from just eating, to eating for fueling their bodies without excessively consuming ‘comfort’ foods. Lastly: there is no ‘normal’ response. If your swings continue to happen and it is alarming you then go check it out with a professional. My guess is that you have probably reached your state of normal now.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 356

    I too found myself swinging as such. my weight went up then back down and all the while CHANGING inside and out 🙂
    What I realized was that I needed to let go of what I thought my food SHOULD look like. When I let go and just listened to my body ….. the real AMY came out. I hope you find that helpful

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