Injured My Outside Knee In Toe Stand (Padangustasana)

Injured My Outside Knee In Toe Stand (Padangustasana)2011-03-25T05:50:48+00:00
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  • wayneraycampbell
    Post count: 1

    About three weeks ago, while in toe stand (padangustasana) there were three audible and painful pops that occurred on the outside of my left knee, as I was coming down bending the right knee to balance on my right foot. The pain brought me out of the posture very quickly. I was scared. No swelling. Just very sore, tender, and restrictive knee movement involving turning the knee out, like when placing the foot up unto the thigh in toe stand.

    I have been getting one massage per week due to extremely tight muscles. “I T” band and outside calf muscles very tight. This might have been the contributing factor to the painful popping of my left knee. Still restrictive knee movement but improving. Pain is less, but I am very cautious now after that incident. Is there a stretch for tight “I T” bands and tight outside calf muscles to take the stress off of the surrounding knee cartlidge, tendons, and ligaments?

    I refrain from doctors and surgery, but am reaching out for some insight. Have you encountered this situation with others. If so, would love to hear what your thoughts are regarding the painful popping that occurred and how to go forward from here to resume my toe stand posture. At the moment I am only standing and balancing in Toe Stand, not bending the standing leg. Please help ease my concern.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Wayne

    Yowie! That must have been VERY scary to say the least. Toe Stand is definitely a pose you don’t want to be attempting! You know, some studios have abandoned this pose completely because it is a risky pose.

    It is possible that you need to avoid the twisting movement of the knee by bringing the foot up to the hip. It is possible that you need to bring the sole of the foot to the inner thigh instead. I would need more information about what’s going on in that knee now when you’re in Tree. Do tell. 😉

    As for your IT band issue. There are some great stretches that you may enjoy. Of course you can Google many of them. The one that is often practised in yoga is half pigeon.

    Here’s how:

    >> Come up onto all fours
    >> Bring your knee forward to just behind the hand on the same side, placing it on the floor
    >> Bring the foot in toward your hip at an angle
    >> Ideally you would line the lower leg up parallel to the top of the mat, but you will start with your leg ‘closed’ and gradually move towards ideal position so that you can get an IT stretch without over-twisting your knee. In other words, err on the side of safety then move the foot away from the bent leg
    >> Move the other leg back straight behind you
    >> Use your hands on the floor to support your body and control the intensity of the stretch
    >> As you become more flexible you’ll move your body down onto the floor and extend your arms out in front of you eventually with your forehead to the floor

    The reason this stretch works is because your knee is out to the side and then your foot crosses the midline. You get to stretch the outside and also the inside of the leg.

    Check out some other stretches online that work for you. And tell us what feels good.

    The other restorative knee pose seems almost too simple. Just kneel with feet and legs together. It’s not an IT stretch at all but it could help you manage your healing knee.

    Take it easy on that knee for a while. You may not go to a doctor but you may want to see a physiotherapist for some supervision and exercises to help you rehabilitate.

    If you have more information about your tight IT and calf muscles then fill us in.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 1

    I did this exact same thing!! now it feels mostly fine and deciding if i should go to doctor. what was the diagnosis?

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