'Inner Self' Benifits? Any Tips / Giudelines……

'Inner Self' Benifits? Any Tips / Giudelines……2010-08-18T16:53:40+00:00
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  • Happy Beginner
    Post count: 12

    Hello Gabrielle & Co…

    I have being doing Bikram for the past few months, starting with a successful 30 day challenge and ‘up-keep’ of 3-4 times a week.
    I have found many benefits on a physical level and have had few ‘light bulb’ moments in class that have given enlightenment to me re: opinions of stress in my life.
    The realisation that ‘its’ not actually ‘anything to do with me’ is a great weight lifted and knowing it’s not for me to change or ‘my stuff’ is a welcome relief. This is the best job I can do of explaining the feeling, and being able to let it go….
    Are there any tip’s or guidelines to developing your ‘inner self’/’spiritual’ benefits of Yoga or am I trying to run before I can walk, or missing the point completely!!?
    Also, out of curiosity, Camel is often mentioned as opening the heart chakra in class and the feelings that may ensue…. (apart from feeling like mine is going to explode it’s beating so fast, I haven’t had any emotional feelings)……what other positions effect the charkas and are there ways of getting more ‘in tune’ with them?

    Sorry its all a bit mish-mash!
    Many Thanks

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Anna

    It’s great to hear about what’s going on for you – so satisfying and enriching!

    Part of the thing about yoga is that you learn to respond more and think less. So the very idea that you should think more about it kind of flies in the face of simply responding.

    We all have our ‘aha’ moments and our reflections and yes they come in thoughts and even realizations that don’t involve thoughts but are more gestalt experiences. So ALLOW your realizations and reflections to come to you. Read interesting books (or not!). Have conversations with people (or not!). Have an intention to deepen your practice and the benefits without prescribing how it will happen. Let go of the details and let it flow.

    There is no ‘way’ to do it but yoga is definitely a fabulous tool to facilitate it.

    Chakras, subtle energies, meridians and thousands of other terminologies are ways that we humans like to create some kind of understanding about what’s going on. And in yoga we talk about physical and energetic blocks. So if you subscribe to the concept of chakras, then poses are a way to open up these energetic channels. Visualizations help. Yoga asana is a way to access parts of your physical and energetic body that need and crave attention. Whatever you call it, however you picture it, creating that access through your yoga is what works. So just check into your sensations with or without the idea of chakras. Your attention is what matters not necessarily the reasoning behind it.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 42

    I couldn’t agree more with what Gabrielle has to say! 🙂

    At the same time, I know that deepening my yoga practice triggered a similar desire to yours, Happy Beginner. The classes were great, but I wanted to continue deepening a spiritual, everyday practice. It led me to take up a daily meditation and begin to study Buddhism. So I encourage you to “jump off” if you’re feeling so inclined! Go where you’re pulled to go–the meditation thing came up very naturally for me–it’s a long, boring story 🙂

    Anyway, due to this combination of yoga and meditative study (check out Pema Chodron, Sharon Salzburg if you’re interested) the past year and a half has been a time of intense change. In a good way!

    Happy Beginner
    Post count: 12

    Hi Gabrielle & Co.

    I think you hit the nail on the head with the below. I guess that is exactly what I was trying to explain….and this where I’ll leave it, so to speak…

    ”We all have our ‘aha’ moments and our reflections and yes they come in thoughts and even realizations that don’t involve thoughts but are more gestalt experiences”

    ….As for the rest, I stop the delving and let the deluge come to me…when ever that time thinks I’m ready!!!

    I’ll get beck to focusing on the breathing!
    Thank you both 🙂

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