Interested in Starting Bikram Yoga…Just have some concerns….

Interested in Starting Bikram Yoga…Just have some concerns….2010-02-09T05:58:45+00:00
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  • kate25
    Post count: 2

    Hello Everyone,

    My name is Kate and Im new to the forum…have been reading some wonderful things about Bikram Yoga, am very happy for all of you!

    I have been wanting to do Bikram Yoga for probably a year now, and havent taken the plunge and tried it yet. It is quite a fair distance from my house….

    I need to loose approx 30 kgs, however I am not concerned about how much I will loose, etc, as I know naturally the weight will come off in due course…

    My only concern with Bikram Yoga are the following, and would really appreciate your feedback…

    * I am only 26 years old but have arthritis in my hips, and have been diagnosed with Hip Displacia…( I had pins put in and out of my hips as a child, 6 operations in total) and am concerned that some of the poses will be impossible for me to do!

    * I know this sounds silly, but whenever Ive done searches on Bikram Yoga etc, it looks like everyone in the class is Thin and wearing next to nothing, which concerns me a bit…I dont want to feel out of place or paranoid…

    * And finally, would there be some poses that could do my hips more harm? I have done Yoga in the past, but none of the poses that Bikram does…and some of them look very daunting…

    Thanks so much for reading, and hope to get a good kick up the bum and some encouragement to just goooooooooo! Just wanted to put my concerns out there and see what comes back from it 🙂

    Post count: 2

    hi kate 25!
    i am writing from the middle east, in dubai. i practice a religion (islam) which requires me to cover my hair, ear and neck and and also cover up to my wrists and ankles. I have enjoyed and LOVED bikram yoga for the past month.
    Yes i do get a few looks now & then: but so do the girls who are wearing next to nothing.
    Yes, I do get hot: so does everyone else in the room.

    I am also overweight by approximately 30kgs and have recieved numerous comments about how ‘thin’ i look over the past few weeks…

    take the plunge: try a session and then make your decision.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Kate

    Thank you Faaizah for your response to Kate!

    Kate: I have seen the MOST AMAZING transformations for people with debilitating arthritis. I guess it would be important to know more about your hips right now. For example: What limitations have you right now? This MAY help us work out if you would have to modify your practice. Still if you respect your body’s limitations (which would surely change as your body opens) then you are very likely to stay safe. I think I understand that there are NO pins in your hips right now. Is that right?

    Yes it’s true that many people are slim who go to yoga. But not everyone. It is a great place to learn to love what you see in the mirror! You will likely be the only one who has judgments about the way YOU look. In time you will drop all that and that will be a great turning point for you. Remember, even skinny people can look in the mirror and not like what they see.

    So, what are you waiting for?

    Gabrielle 🙂

    PS: Once you go (hint, hint) you can come back to this website and discover tons of resources to help you, from the free general technique videos, the resource center, the forum for specific questions and of course the manual. We (the community) are here to help. Have fun!

    Post count: 1

    Hi Kate,

    I had the same concern as you when I first signed up for Bikram Yoga a little over 3 months ago. I’m about 30 lbs. over weight and I hate to where shorts. I was so scared the everybody was going to be looking at my “chunky” legs. The first class I was so focused on everybody else that I didn’t get the full effect of Bikram Yoga. Then I had to tell myself that I was shorting myself because of that. Then next day I finally realized that nobody was starring at me because 1st. off it’s so darn hot you could care less about the person in front, behind, or next to you and 2nd. your so focused on your own body and the movement of it. You’ll be suprised of all the different body types in class. Thus far I’ve lost 15 lbs. in 3 months! :coolsmile:

    Post count: 356

    nice to see you aboard 🙂 I have to agree with everyone about not being judged. in my class there young tight bodies , older flabbier ones and everything in between. no one pays attention to anything but their own practice……. or are too worried about what you think and are just as nervous LOL
    I broke my hip over a year ago and have had four surgeries …… i have to modify some poses yes and def. have to be mindful of not putting STRESS on my joint but can still have a very nice and benifical practice. GOOD LUCK

    Post count: 2

    Thanks so much for the replies!

    Alquaid, is great to hear yoga is making you feel so good! All the best with your weightloss journey, and am happy that people are noticing you getting thinner! Thanks for your opinion! 🙂

    Gabrielle, in answer to your questions…As for limitations on my hips now…the movement in my hips is quite good. I get Bowen and other treatments for the pain. As my partner is supporting me atm, Im not working…so am not in pain. I havent had any treatments done for nearly 2 months I think…however my groin area has been really sore the past few days, so need some Bowen this week.

    My hip/groin/lower back areas get sore from walking alot, being on my feet for a long time…and any high impact things like dancing, weight bearing exercises etc. I currently dont have pins in my hips, they were taken out as a child.

    I walk with a minor limp/hip swing…so is quite frustrating for me! This is why I definately need to start Yoga! Thanks for the q’s etc 🙂

    Yellowbird, Congrats on your weightloss thus far! Is great to hear! Sounds like you are really enjoy your yoga! Thanks for your story, and I can totally understand how paranoia of legs/bums etc is so negative and unneccesary! All the best on your journey! 🙂

    And lastly, Fraseram, Thanks heaps for your input…am sorry to hear about your hip! Is great though that you are modifying some poses etc to help you! I think that is what I will have to do as well! Hope your hip heals soon!! 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    OK Kate

    We’re all waiting with bated breath!!!

    Have you started your hot yoga yet? Please do ‘spill’… 😉

    Gabrielle 🙂

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