Inversions shoulder stand

Inversions shoulder stand2009-09-14T14:55:08+00:00
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  • siobhain.jersey
    Post count: 6

    Hi, just a quick question, during shoulder stand if the eyes get puffy and the cheeks slightly red, is it still ok to carry on, i know the blood travels to the head, but shes a little worried, thanks

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Siobhain

    You are right that you would get some affects of increased pressure and flow toward the head. A quick question: When you/the student comes out of shoulder stand how long does the redness and the puffiness last? How long is the pose being held?

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 6

    Thanks for your quick reply, she only holds the shoulder stand for about 5 mins, and the puffiness goes after 10 mins, thanks

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Siobhain

    I can understand that one would be worried. I actually have a friend that has sustained some nerve damage (in his eye) from doing an inversion for too long. He won’t do headstands any more. (Yes I know, that is not a shoulder stand but I wanted to give you the example.) I know I can in no way comment on whether he had good technique or not as I was not there and it was not at my studio. And I only have limited knowledge of what is happening for you.

    Have you checked that your student has enough pliable support under her shoulders so that the pressure through her neck (and shoulders) is minimized? A thick mat, towel, blankets? Maybe you can look at what she is using. Can you give her a pose of less intensity? And of course the obvious thing is to let your student opt out and not do the pose at all. If she is worried perhaps at some level there is reason to be. Every body is different. 😉

    Gabrielle 🙂

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