Itching and runny nose

Itching and runny nose2010-04-10T20:14:47+00:00
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  • Author
  • mzsocialworker1
    Post count: 103

    I have noticed that in many of my classes, I become very itchy, and my nose also runs. It obviously can become very distracting and hard for me to focus.

    Is this normal? And how do you not let this distract you?

    Post count: 103


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    I see you Allison 😉 Woopsie!!!

    Well, let’s see… What you are experiencing is normal but maybe not so common.

    It could be triggered by the way you breathe – that is, you could be sniffing through your nose rather than drawing your breath in through your throat. If you don’t know what I mean, please let me know. It may help you to go and check out the free video: Effective Breathing In Hot Yoga.

    I would be particularly interested to know at what stage of the class your itchiness and the runniness (if there’s such a word!) starts. They could be independent of each other. For example, does it happen at Pranayama, or only on the floor?

    Does blowing your nose alleviate the itchiness as well as clear the fluid? Is your nose itchy on the inside?

    One thing that often happens is that when one has such a distraction, when it is triggered it can keep re-triggering for the whole class. So the answer may be to find a way to avoid the trigger.

    I would love to hear any more thoughts you have in your reply.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 103

    Still happens frequently. I wonder if I am not hydrating enough in general. I also notice it more (nose running) when I am doing the floor between poses.

    Post count: 10

    Do you have any allergies? Perhaps something in the room is irritating your system.


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