Knee and IT Problems

Knee and IT Problems2012-03-14T05:07:42+00:00
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  • missyoga
    Post count: 2

    I just signed up on your site. It looks like it will have some helpful info on my bikram yoga practice.

    There are a couple questions below that I HAVE brought up to instructors and haven’t really gotten a straight answer.

    To bring you up to speed, I have been practicing for 3 years and increased the frequency to every other day within the last year and a half.

    1. I have been experiencing pain on both knees all inside, and wherever the IT band stretches to. I have been to a chiroprator for the right leg mostly cause that’s the one that was the worst. He performed muscle stretches (which we very painful) and applied kinesio tape to select areas to pull the muscle away from the nerves (he said). This was a temporary fix and worked for about a month – but that was about 6 months ago, I’ve been practicing through a lot of discomfort.

    To describe the pain, it’s sometimes a sharp dull ache other times it’s a sting right in the center (kinda in the top soft spot on the knees center).

    I ice it and do IT band stretches and use a foam roller to work out the tension.

    2. Along with this annoyance, that I think is related. Is pain that goes from my but down to my calf just above my ankle. This is not all the time, more when I have either sat or walked for longer than a half hour.

    I feel these two things are extremely limiting my practice and growth. I want to make sure I’m not damaging anything, I don’t know what I would do without this Yoga?!

    Thanks any information would be great!


    Post count: 2

    Hi Hot Yoga Doctor

    I re-posted this email you asked for here – can you reply to it like you said you would in my email?

    Thanks much appreciated!

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Kristin

    Can you tell me if those knee pains are related? What I mean is that you have pain on the inside of the knees. And you have pain on the side of the knees as well. So have these pains always been happening at the same time. They could be coincidental.

    >> Can you tell me what specific poses seem to inflame the different sides of your knees? What poses do each of these pains happen and which poses do the medial pain or the lateral pain occur together and separately?
    >> Can you tell me where you can get to in Fixed Firm? And what effect this pose has on your knees?
    >> Do you have any tendency at all to pronate? For example when you’re balancing on one leg, does that foot’s arch flatten or the ankle drop at all?
    >> You have some sciatica-like pain… are you keeping straight legs in Standing Sep Leg Intense Stretch?
    >> Is your studio a recital studio (same words just about all the time, every teacher every class)?

    I will look out for your response 😉

    Gabrielle 🙂

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