Knee injury

Knee injury2009-02-15T05:56:28+00:00
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  • davidf15x
    Post count: 30

    I really pulled something on the inside of my right knee, muscles that connect my upper and lower leg–not on the top of my knee.

    Perhaps this was done doing stretches pushing my leg down to the right.

    I am only about 6 hours with this problem so I hope it will heal. The question is how can I help it heal?

    Post count: 356

    heat massage ice in that order…. each for about 10 min….. good luck
    so heat your knee w/ a pad then massage gently and finish w/ an ice pack also you can take an advil to take down swelling

    Post count: 30

    Thanks, yes I am doing this, except for the massage part. I take high quantities of ibuprofen and use the ice pack since there is some swelling.

    Sunday is my *sure* day for Bikram–it will not happen today. I hope it feels better in 3-4 days.

    Post count: 30

    Almost two weeks and I am facing a long recovery. I cannot even recall how this happened–simply stretching in bed and I don’t think I pushed it too hard at all.

    The Doc says I am healing and much of the sharp, stabbing pain is gone but I have horrible stiffness. He says yoga is out for another two-three weeks at least. I am hobbling and I have the recommended support brace.

    Any other suggests–ice packs, ibuprofen, light leg lifts. It is a meniscus issue. I can simply lift my leg with a lot of stiffness but little lateral movement. For example, Triangle would be painful.

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