Knee pain after 10 mos of practice

Knee pain after 10 mos of practice2013-06-18T15:29:36+00:00
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  • Rgm727
    Post count: 2

    I am a 49 y/o woman who has been practicing 3-5 times per week for about 11 months. I really enjoy all the mental and physical benefits that this yoga gives. However, in the past few weeks I have been experiencing pain in my left knee (only) in and following tree pose, when it’s my left knee that is the bent one. I do not feel pain in or following any other pose. I have tried moving my foot further from the center of my body, not bringing my foot up as high on my “costume,” not letting my knee fall down as far etc. but nothing seems to help. I’m feeling as though it has something to do with the angle of the bend as I feel great in fixed firm but get a little stiff in on the floor series head to knee pose (the knee that is bent with my heel in my crotch). I hope you can give me some advice as to what may be causing the issue and how to resolve it. Thanks!

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Rhonda

    Any advances on the information given?

    Last year I had something very similar. How similar I don’t know but your description actually seems to describe my problem too.

    I have a couple of questions for you however:

    You have been practising for 11 months so has the curious condition in your knee meant that you actually can no longer get as far as you could with your left knee bent?

    What daily non-yoga activities does this issue affect?

    I am sure you already sense you shouldn’t push anything. Have you tried cradling your foot with both hands and allowing gravity to take the supported leg only as far as it will go? (Holding with both hands may lessen the angle and allow more opening up and some healing.)

    With the floor head to knee pose, have you simply not bent your leg in as far and did that help?

    There are a couple of suggestions within those questions so if you haven’t tried those things, please do. And if you have any further details I would really appreciate them. I do not want to assume that you and I had the same thing (before I tell you how my leg seemed to fix!)

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 2

    Thanks for the info and suggestions.

    I have not tried any of these modifications, but I will. I have simply been abstaining from the poses that cause me pain. When I originally wrote, I only experienced the pain during class, but since then it extended to all the time so just about a week ago I stopped doing tree pose, toe stand and keep my leg straight for head to knee in the floor series (on the side that bothered me). My pain has diminished considerably though it is not completely gone.

    I will try your suggestions and let you know what happens.

    Thanks so much for getting back to me. The Hot Yoga Master Class has really REALLY improved my practice!


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Rhonda

    How have you been yoga-ing this past month. Thank you so much for the words about my book. I am so happy your practice has improved so much.

    Let me know how your knee is now. I can direct you to another post where I have described how to use a prop to help people with leg or knee pain that could help you if you are finding you need something more.

    Gabrielle 🙂

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