lateral knee pain whilst attempting tadasana…

lateral knee pain whilst attempting tadasana…2010-09-02T08:30:00+00:00
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  • senorchipotle
    Post count: 3

    I started hot yoga after a 3 year hiatus from power yoga. I thoroughly enjoy the benefits and the rigour of the workout. Only one problem though, i get lateral(outside) knee pain when I begin to invert my lifted leg. Am I doing the pose incorrectly? What can I do to properly get into this position pain free.


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Douglas

    Let’s see …
    >> I would like to ask what activity you have been doing over the last 3 years.
    >> I would like you to confirm if it’s both your legs or just one in particular.
    >> Can you tell me if it hurts in any other pose? Does it hurt at any other time?
    >> What can you tell me about your stance, your feet, your alignment of your joints? Are you aware if you pronate or supinate your feet? And on that vein have you watched the free video Great Posture From The Ground Up because it may either confirm that there’s an imbalance or everything’s fine and we can consider other elements of knee health or posture issues.

    See you back here. 😉

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 3

    Honestly, I haven’t done a whole lot over the last few years. There have been a few times where I started running, only two or three miles at most, but those spurts didn’t last too long.

    Both knees hurt when in tree pose and during sitting head to knee pose as well, but only the knee lying to the side. It really only hurts when I turn my feet say 90* in either direction, and it’s only the outside part of the knee. This leads me to believe that the muscle running along the outside of my shin which connects the foot and knee is too tight, but I don’t know what to do about it.

    I’m pretty sure I don’t pronate or supinate, as I don’t have a natural inclination to do so cause I don’t have flat feet or an extremely high arch. I have watched the video, it was very informative and enlightening, but I’m pretty sure it’s not my feet cause I don’t have any back or leg problems aside from the knee issue.

    Thank you for the speedy reply! I hope I’ve given you enough info.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hello Douglas

    Alrighty … The first avenue is to go with your intuition about the tightness in your leg. In the meantime you must consider modifying the tree pose (unless you feel just discomfort – although I don’t think we’d be having this conversation if it didn’t bother!).

    The easy mod on this one is to bring the sole of the foot to the side of the leg either high or low on the leg, just NOT AGAINST the knee.

    For Janushirasana on the floor, bring your foot in to a point where that pain is not occurring. It could very well end up almost straight on to the mirror or the leg could be bent in a half way position with your foot located closer in to the leg but not at the crotch.

    See how those work.

    Then there are some yin yoga poses that could help you. Check out simple poses like bound angle pose, see what half pigeon feels like or even square. There are instructions online. Just know that you can adjust your legs as much as you need to to lessen the intensity. For example you’ll see pics of half pigeon where the front leg forms a right angle on the floor (shin parallel to the top of the mat as it were). However to lessen that intensity you will bring that heel right in toward your hip PLUS your hands will support your body so that you can ease into it.

    I am not entirely sure if this is the definitive approach yet. But I am following your intuition on this one for starters. Thanks for watching the video. It’s good to know you can discount your feet in this one.

    I was just wondering if you do lots of sitting or desk work.

    Let me know what happens. Oh, by the way, yin yoga poses are of long duration and you can start with say, a minute each side and work your way up.

    If that doesn’t feel like the right thing to do then let me know and we’ll work out what we’re missing from the equation and I’ll ask you more questions.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 3

    thanks. for the past few days i haven’t tried to invert my legs, for fear that i may tear something. my instructor says that supta vandrasana will stretch those muscles without hurting the knee. i’ll also try the yin yoga poses as well. is there a good way i can warm up my body at home so that i can do some poses and not hurt my body?

    thank you again,


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Doug

    Believe it or not simply sitting with knees and feet together in a regular kneel can make a huge difference to stabilizing and rehabilitating your knees. So do that when you can (anytime). I can’t say for sure if Supta will help you with the info I have from you. However I can ask you: Does it feel as if it works for you? That isn’t a stretch for that part of your leg really. It’s more for the inside of your knee and of course wonderful for the quadriceips and psoas.

    So go kneel and also explore the yin poses and get back to me

    Gabrielle 🙂

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