Left shoulder in forward rotation

Left shoulder in forward rotation2008-03-06T16:10:05+00:00
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  • Author
  • Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048


    My question is concerning balancing out my shoulders and muscle skeleton system using Bikram. I have a forward rotation in my left shoulder area which need to rotate backward toin order to correct my posture. Please advise me of the posteres to work on more to assist me.

    Posted by sam holland Jr. on 01/22 at 05:53 PM

    Hi Sam

    Wow, that’s a great one! And so common too. I could dedicate a book to the subject. Luckily the whole series can help you!

    Would love to know what you do, or how you think you developed the problem? Do you work on it out of class too?

    I think you could pay attention to your shoulders in every pose and get some benefit here. You already realize that external rotation of your humerus or upper arms is necessary to correct it. Oh, that is more than half the battle won. :exclaim: Just as you do this in your ‘real’ life you can transpose that to your yoga class. Always cinch the arms down away from the ears, rotate the arms externally every chance you get. Without getting too anatomical for you, it will save you energy and protect you from creating damage (in the rotator cuff) in your shoulders every time you lift your arms up over your head. (This is a particular issue that I press every class – start with your shoulders right, keep them there, use less energy to do the poses better all class!).

    If that doesn’t answer your question, then I recommend choosing one pose at a time, start with the one that gives you the most concern, go to the forum and ask the question. Once you ‘get’ the right way hardwired into your system the whole class will become more effective and easier.

    PS do you have some exercises that you use through your day to create this rotation? Tell me your favorite. I have a couple I can recommend.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 1

    I believe I have the same issue with my right shoulder. Can you please post your recommended stretches and poses to help correct my shoulder? THanks

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