Loose skin?

Loose skin?2009-03-01T05:17:24+00:00
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  • Frank Puzzuoli
    Post count: 2

    At one time I was a little on the heavier side. I have done a full turn around in my lifestyle. I started jogging, weight training and eating a balanced healthy diet. Then I have discovered hot yoga (which I’m addicted too). I practice about 4+ times a week at a studio.

    I noticed that some excess skin I had around my belly button has been tightening up and finally I have that tight stomach I have always wanted. Even running never really gave me results like this.

    Is there something about the heat and sweating that contributes to this? I’m not referring to having some belly fat and that being the last area to go when dropping weight and getting in shape. Just loose skin from being heavier. Have others experienced this?


    Post count: 16

    i’m still waiting for that. i have lost inches and have a leaner frame, but i’m waiting to lose fat and some of the loose skin. i hope my skin tightens up too. i thought maybe because i’m getting older, my skin won’t respond as well.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Frank

    I believe there are a multitude of reasons why this happens. It includes but is not limited to the heat, the sweating, the stretching and the subsequent renewal of circulation to all areas of your skin. You may have noticed either in others or in yourself how a dull complexion can transform to one which is vibrant, bright and alive.

    Robert (hubby) had a massive purple scar along half the length of his left thigh which after several weeks of regular practice metamorphosed into a pink color and is also now markedly smaller in its appearance. With your invigorated circulation your capillaries work more efficiently moving nutrients in and wastes out more effectively. Better nutrition is good noo? :cheese: All this markedly contributes to the toning of not only your muscles but your skin too.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 6

    I just started doing Bikram and I have lost 28 kg, through running and muay thai boxing, now I have loose skin and my lower tummy and I can see the skin fold, I seem to stuck with this for a while, though I can see the 4 pack on my upper abs.

    I hope Bikram can help me to shed more fat and the unsightly skin fold and really build my 6 pack abs more define. I notice that the guys in Yoga classes does not have a clearly define 6 packs, they tend to be slim and lenghthy maybe because yoga build long muscle not like weigh training or crunches build. So I am not sure am I doing right thing to build my 6 pack. I will continue doing crunches and my cardio.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi tamadrums,

    With the right intention and belief you can do anything. So getting rid of loose skin can be easy. You can direct your mind to help you during your self-connection in your yoga class. On a physiological level the way you use your body during the yoga poses helps you to reinvigorate your circulation and create much better bodily function. Better circulation alone will help you tone up fast.

    By all means keep up the crunches and cardio but make sure you fit in as much hot yoga as you can! 4 times per week minimum is a great guide.

    Gabrielle 🙂

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