Lotus pose with an old torn MCL injury

Lotus pose with an old torn MCL injury2011-12-08T02:26:29+00:00
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  • pon-alex
    Post count: 1

    Hi 🙂 Sorry for this being long and detailed :))) I am just starting with yoga 101 and also tried a vinyasa class at one of the local studios. So far I love it all BUT… I discovered a huge limitation I have: a few years ago I had a rollerblading accident with my right leg/foot dragged and twisted under me when I fell. Bad MCL and possibly some ACL injury. No surgery was performed. For over 2 months my knee was very week and would “pop out” on a even a small twist when right leg is loaded. Well, 5 years later I thought I had normal mobility and full range of motion. I’ve been skiing black double diamond runs for the last couple of years. No knee issues… until I discovered a lotus pose. My right knee HURTS when I try to get to lotus (moderate lotus is fine but leaning forward hurts or trying to get into full lotus seems impossible). I am VERY flexible otherwise and not being able to get into the full lotus pose is frustrating. Or any other pose for that matter that puts a lot of torque on the right knee. Like that picture in the top right corner of this website – I can do that just fine but if I try the same with my right leg bent, I can’t really lean forward and lay on my straight left leg. Aggghhh!!! Pain in the right knee! I wish I could practice yoga to the fullest and symmetrically 🙁 That’s how I feel. My question is how can yoga help me heal that injury so I can fully enjoy this wonderful experience? OR should I consider some sort of surgery? (I’d rather not since the knee does not bother me outside of a couple of poses). Thank you so much for your time and input and I hope to learn how to heal my injury with yoga rather then let it limit my practice. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND INPUT! 😀

    Post count: 4

    Hi. Glad you found yoga. I practice Bikram yoga and really love it. What you describe sounds familiar. Since I’ve been practicing I’ve gone through many body pains, breakthroughs, and recoveries. Then I find another body part that is tight, painful, or acting funny and the process starts again. I’ve gone through left hip, left shoulder, and now I’m going through left foot. Sometimes practice is so uncomfortable, but then I feel so much better after. And I know that I have healed my body through yoga and that it’s a never ending process. I would recommend continuing practice to see where you go before you consider surgery. Also, have your teacher check your form to make sure it’s not that. Happy healing!

    Post count: 78

    Hi ALex and Aminta,

    I hope you both are well!

    My name is Andrea, I’m one of Gabrielle’s graduates from her teacher training.
    With her permission I sometimes respond to forum posts, I hope that’s ok with you too!

    It’s wonderful that you found yoga Alex, I am sorry to hear that you experience pain though.

    I understand that you are new to yoga and therefore I would like to point out a couple of things, that I wish were brought to my attention when I started to practise.
    The first and one of the most important things is that despite the common belief yoga does not fix everything!
    Lotus pose is more than challenging for those who have no injuries, let alone for people, like yourself with serious past injuries.
    The second very important components to a beneficial and enjoyable yoga journey are Patience and Respect towards yourself and your body.
    Pushing the body beyond it’s capabilities at any cost has nothing to do with the real mentality of yoga and by no means will it heal your injuries.
    I think it is very important that you know these things, so you have a better understanding of the right, ‘non-violent’ approach to yoga.

    In order to be able to fully understand your condition I will have to talk to Gabrielle as well, to make sure that we come up with the best solution for you!
    In the meantime I would like to ask you some questions about your knee.
    – Where exactly in the knee do you feel the pain?
    – How would you describe the pain sensation you feel?
    – Are there any other poses that challenge you in the same way as Lotus pose and Janushirasana (the one on the top right corner of the screen =) ) do?

    Aminta, you were right when you pointed out the importance of precise alignment!
    Though I must say the best alignment for you ALex, will probably be different to the ‘usual’ due to your condition.
    In the meantime please do not ignore your body’s signals and avoid getting into these poses (or any others) that cause you pain.

    I am looking forward to hearing from you!
    Be well, Stay safe!

    Namaste =)


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