LOVE HOT YOGA, BUT…….2010-10-20T04:25:29+00:00
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  • llevi
    Post count: 2

    Hi all,
    I started Bikram yoga 10 months ago and go regularly 2-3 times a week. I am loving my practice and am developing spiritually. However, I am not seeing or feeling the benefits as much as I was hoping to. The ‘issues’ I had when starting (and continue to have) are 1) digestive problems – (not voiding regularily, excessive bloating, etc.) 2) Sleep apnea. As breathing is such an important part of yoga, I would have thought that it would help a lot with my sleep apnea. 3) 30-40 lbs overweight. For the past 4 years, I have had an unexplained 55 lb weight gain. Other than having gone thru menopause, I haven’t changed a thing in my life. I can see gaining 10, maybe 20 lbs at menopause, 55 lbs is quite excessive. The specialist (weight doctor) has done all the necessary tests and quite frankly, does not know the reason for the weight gain.
    I was really hoping that the yoga would have helped me become more regular, helped me shed a few pounds, and given me a more quality sleep.

    The majority of my weight gain is around my stomach/hips and I know that having that ‘jelly belly’ is really interferring with my being able to do certain poses to the best of my ability.
    I am rambling on now but I just wanted to ask if anyone has any advise for me? Is it still too early to be expecting results? I would like to continue on with practising Bikram yoga for many, many more years but I feel very discouraged at times.

    Thank you all,

    Post count: 60

    Kudos for sticking with the yoga. I started in May and have also noticed that the effects are not always the same all the time–sometimes I can identify the benefits (some weeks good for toning and flexibility, some better for concentration and stamina), still there are other weeks where I can’t tell what, if anything, is improving. Still, I never doubt that improvements are happening, and I gratefully celebrate “mini-breakthroughs” when they occur.

    About your specific questions, I had 2 thoughts. First, re the regularity, one thing I find helpful is to not eat large meals–my body totally shuts down. It takes some planning to have several small meals, but as you will likely agree almost anything is worth avoiding that type of discomfort. Also water…lots of water.

    Re the breathing, sleep apnea is linked to weight, so if you are able to safely lose weight in your practice you may see the apnea begin to wane. The yoga has helped me lose pregnancy weight–slower than I would have liked, but sustainably and healthily. Also the muscle you gain can quickly outweigh the fat that you lose–listen to your clothes over the number on the scale.

    I know it’s not the same as apnea, but before Bikram I had mild-moderate insomnia…you know what helped me? Watching Gabrielle’s breathing video. Now when I have trouble falling asleep I lie in savasana and follow her breathing tips and mentally go through the postures/dialogue in order. Honest truth–I have never made it past eagle post without drifting off. Not sure if it would affect your apnea, but can’t hurt to try…Sounds crazy, but works like a charm for me 🙂

    Post count: 2

    Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me. All your points/suggestions sound great. I have almost exhausted all avenues (main stream medicine). I am now looking into a nutritionilist (spelling?). I really think that the weight, sleep apnea, digestive problems are all related.
    I really believe that the hot yoga is helping me , even if it is only spiritually for now. I do get those ‘mini-breakthroughs’ that you mention. And when that happens, wow, what a great feeling!
    I love your suggestion of what you do when you have problems falling asleep. I will try it tonight, although I never have trouble falling asleep, I do like doing some form of meditation before drifting off.

    Thanks again,

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Jamie

    I love you guys!!! It’s so heartwarming to see such support for people right here! Bunni thanks for your input (and compliment). 😉

    Jamie I wonder if you might be open to some ideas. At our store we sell a great movie that changed our lives. And if you don’t want to get it from there, you could borrow it, buy elsewhere. There’s also a video of it here: movie trailer.

    It certainly got me started on my real push into raw food. There are plenty of raw food online resources. I eat between 75-95% raw food, the rest of the family a bit less. But we always try to eat minimum 60% raw food. When you do your research you can find evidence of plenty of people who have lost tons of weight on raw and mostly raw diets.

    Someone on this forum pointed me to a great forum and info website called Raw Food Rehab. You will find that it is supportive and informative and Penni is a delight to watch in her unscripted and entertaining (and motivating) videos.

    Anyway, go and check it out. It will put a smile on your face and sometimes that’s all we need.

    OK, so now you have homework! Give me your thoughts

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 20

    Yes introduce at least 50% raw food into your diet including freshly squeezed juices. Cut back on animal protein and try to have your last meal earlier in the day preferably raw. I’m trying 5pm at the moment. If you do have animal protein have it at lunch. Try oat milk instead of cows milk. Cut out caffine and alcohol.

    This sounds extreme but it is worth it as your health and energy will take on a new level. If you do this and keep up your bikram yoga you will lose all the weight. Also I think you’ll find your sleep apnea problem will fix itself fairly quickly.

    Good luck 🙂

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