Low back pain dramatically improved

Low back pain dramatically improved2009-05-17T05:59:08+00:00
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  • chpaul28
    Post count: 2

    I started doing Iyengar Yoga nearly 3 years ago. I’ve had two back surgeries — lamenectomy L4/5 & then 15 years later lamenectomy L3/4 & L4/5 with permanent nerve damage to my left foot. I cannot flex my left foot and do not have much sensation on the inside of the foot or big toe. I had back pain daily.

    When I first started I was a little soar but a good soar. I’m very athletic so I had already been working out consistently. Now, 3 years later I have no back pain most days and my balance and flexibility has dramatically improved. I can now walk in boots or light weight shoes without wearing my ankle-foot orthotic. When I started I had trouble just standing on my left leg lifting my right foot off the floor. I can now do tree pose on my left. There is so much more to tell — I have also healed from my trauma; I am more calm and connected to others and more – but I’d have to write a book to tell that story. In a nutshell, yoga has changed my life!

    Find a teacher you connect with and understands how to adapt poses. Use lot’s of props, go slow — there’s no need to do a full pose. BREATHE!!


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi chp

    Thank you for sharing your inspiring story. I am curious to know whether besides the wonderful benefits you included whether your left foot flexibility and sensation has improved with your practice too. Has your practice been Iyengar style only?

    I appreciate your input on connecting with your teacher and your practice.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 2

    The ability to flex my foot has not changed. What has changed is my balance and learning to move and walk with my whole body — rather than just drag my foot along as I used to. The sensation in my foot essentially remains the same but there are certain poses, adjustments, alignment, etc. that increases the sensation. And of course, when I put my mind there I can increase the sensation.

    For the past three years I have only been practicing Iyengar. I take classes from 3 different teachers regularly at the same studio. I had tried other styles of hatha yoga but there was always too much forward bending and flowing from one pose to the next. The alignment and precision in Iyengar was a perfect fit. As I began to align my body everything got better!

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