Lower back is so sore!

Lower back is so sore!2013-10-07T18:39:47+00:00
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  • c92reyes
    Post count: 4

    Hello! I’ve been practicing Bikram yoga regularly for about 7 months now at least 5-6x/week. I started the 30 day challenge the 1st of October and am now at my 8th class in 7 days. I don’t thinking I’ve ever done more than 6 or 7 classes in a row so I’m not sure if the back pain is just from soreness or what. I feel the soreness in my middle back during the backbend in half-moon and camel. Too be honest I don’t feel as though my back bend is very strong but I do think my camel is. Today I tried the advance camel but only made it half way. Since I have 22 classes to go this month, do you think I should skip the back bend in half-moon and camel or keep going? Other than that my 30 day challenge has been going very well!


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Cynthia

    You have a very regular practice! How wonderful for you! Can you please tell me if this back pain has ever happened before this ‘challenge’? If it hasn’t then it could be that you simply need a day’s rest every week, just as you have been doing for 7 months.

    It could also be coincidental that you have tweaked something due to going too deeply (with either poor technique, or not paying attention to something, which we could elicit with lots more questions) or a number of other factors.

    Sometimes these ‘challenges’ create injuries because of the “I will do this, no matter what” approach that occurs because, naturally, people want to fulfill their ideal of successfully finishing the challenge. This however can fly in the face of one of yoga’s MAIN precepts which is ever-remaining the observer, and knowing when to just take a day to rest, or not attempting a pose or whatever, when their body says ‘no’.

    There are a couple of other things it could be too. Could you please tell me if:
    >> It is ONLY the mid back that is affected and not the lower back at all?
    >> If you have a straight or rounded back in standing sep leg intense stretch?
    >> If you have straight or bent legs in standing sep leg intense stretch?
    >> If you feel your back react, twinge or cause any problem when you are descending into Pada Hastasana, Standing sep leg intense stretch, half tortoise or sit ups?

    Can you also tell me how you set up for camel and half moon backbend? What are the ways you set up hips, back etc?

    For the moment please just stay in ‘regular’ camel. Lift back into your half moon backbend too, not just hinging back which is often the case. You don’t have to do any poses that you are sure are bothering you. But if you want to, just prepare well.

    Over to you

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 1

    Hi Gabrielle

    I’m replying to this post since the heading says it all. I’ve been practicing bikram yoga for 9 years now but find it hard to practice more than 2-3 times per week due to my back pain. During class it feels like I’m pinching my back, after class it still hurts, and throughout the day as well. I have a tilted pelvis, have had three ACL reconstructions, and after the birth of my twins my pelvis didn’t fuse back correctly so I’ve been working on those issues in my practice. During class my instructor is continuously telling me to lift my sitsbones up which feels like the reason my back is pinching. Please help.

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