March 30-day challenge

March 30-day challenge2009-03-03T19:27:40+00:00
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  • JurisHP
    Post count: 3

    I am worried that I will be leaving the studio every 10 mins for a bathroom run!

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Jeffrey

    You should be able to get by drinking about a pint or so before. 😉

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 220

    Well, another year has passed and it’s March 2010 and today is Day 30! Another challenge done!

    Post count: 98

    Congrat Boonie. What do you mean by “another year has passed”?

    I can’t wait to go back to class but I am not 100% yet..

    Post count: 220

    Hi, Jeffrey. I meant that if you go all the way to the beginning of this thread you will see I did a challenge in March of 2009 and now I’ve just finished one again in March 2010. I didn’t remember that it was March until I saw that.

    I’m sorry you have an injury and hope to see you back in the hot room again soon!

    Take care.

    Post count: 5

    I am on Day 10 of a 30-day challenge, posting this just before class at 11am. I have some random thoughts about the challenge that I wanted to put down somewhere
    1. I am putting more salt on my food, which I guess is replacing what I lose in class by going every day
    2. My practice is getting so much better with going every day – the main reason I decided to do the challenge was to improve in a way that just wasn’t possible with going three times a week
    3. I normally would, with something like this, constantly think about the end, but I am trying and for the most part succeeding in taking it one day at a time and I have deliberately not even calculated when the 30 is up
    4. My knees are a bit sore – I did a lot of biking on Friday as well as yoga, just travelling around for work and appointments and I think it may have done something. I am going to go to early class before work on Monday and after work on Tuesday and see if that gives some time to heal
    5. I am getting very frustrated with my left leg in the standing series – I do try and in the last few days am trying really hard to lock out my leg, and engage the quadricep not lock out my knee
    6. Since starting bikram yoga it has had a huge impact on my breathing – even when I do cardio at the gym now, which I have suspended for the challenge, I can control my breath even when my heart is beating really fast – it is still a strange sensation to me.
    7. I am doing the challenge out of vanity really and need to be more mindful of what I am eating – I don’t want to have a great bikram body under a layer of fat!

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Una

    Thank you for sharing all that with us.

    I look forward to reading more as you move through your challenge. I am interested to see where you find change and progress.

    Feel free to pose any specific questions!

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 5


    Thank you for your generosity in offering to answer any questions. I have just found your video about breathing and pranayana , which is what I struggle with most, and will watch the video this evening. I have trouble with the instruction to relax my shoulders and my shoulders and neck become tense for half moon pose.

    Today is Day 12 of the 30 days and I feel good. I did an early class yesterday and my knees do feel better for having a rest for about 36 hours, although still not completely right. I cannot decide whether they are being rebellious and I should make them do the poses which challenge them, and subdue them, or whether to go easy in those poses and hope they recover completely.

    I do not however want to get into a mindset where I am not trying in any pose – the thing I like about Bikram is that the circumstances and the way in which it is done mean that trying really hard to improve is the default position and one has to make a conscious effort not to try.. hope that makes sense.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Ah Una

    Yes 2 very big and crucial keys to your practice: Breathing and shoulders! 😉

    OK before we go any further down the track of knee locking and painful knees I was wondering if you can tell me anything about your feet and ankles. How would you describe your arches? Do you have flat feet? Do your ankles sink in or do you lean more on the outside of your foot (in general activity)?

    We could also look at your words about “trying hard” as the default position. Just wanting you to check in and work out if you’re trying too hard. If your breath is smooth and there is no hint of struggle then you have nothing to worry about. The other thing is that “trying” can be ego driven or alignment driven. Just check into that too.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 5

    Thanks again.

    I don’t thankfully have flat feet or anything wrong generally with my knees or ankles. They do seem to be inflexible though and I have been working on improving the flexibility bit by bit over the last few months; in the first pose after the spine-strengthening series, when the pose involves keeping the knees on the ground and going back (don’t know the name) I have just worked in each class on getting my sit bones on the ground as my knees are resistant; I am getting infinitesmally better at it with each week that goes past!

    The class last night was great and I could feel a real improvement in my knees from the short rest, as well as better alignment in several poses; I had had a really good night’s sleep and I think that always makes everything better.

    Will post again soon

    Post count: 5

    So today is Class 24 and Day 25 – I will have to do a double this week to make up for the fact that I missed yesterday’s class. I will be finished the challenge on Saturday. I hope to post then as wrap-up for the challenge and how it went, and what I think about it overall.

    I did a class on Friday when I was very tired, and because I had decided to take it easy and relax, some of my poses were much better than normal when I try really hard – so that was a very valuable lesson. I was able to hold standing bow pulling pose for the whole of the second set on both sides.

    My yoga has improved, and the teacher who owns the studio has noticed and said it to me.

    I would very much like to not have to go to class again today, but I can’t give up now!

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Una

    How did you go? Can’t wait to hear.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 5

    Finished the challenge on Saturday morning. Did a double on Wednesday evening and then coasted through to Saturday morning.

    My main thoughts on it are:

    30 days is a long time! It feels strange not to have to think about how to get to yoga every single day this week – just a few days! The discipline is great – there were a good few days when I would not have gone without the discipline of the challenge and I was glad to have gone. On the other hand, I was a bit bored of going every day by the end. It takes about 2.5 hours all told, sometimes more, to go and it is a large chunk out of the day. I went to a very early class this morning and would go to more if the studio offered them – great to have it done for the day.

    My practice has improved a lot – some of the poses that I thought would never master I can do. When I did my double class last week, and we did half moon pose in the fourth part (can’t rememeber the name) I was able to get my elbow behind my knees in the second class in a row, which I can’t do normally. Back to normal after that.

    My knees are still the most inflexible part of me, and do not seem to be improving in flexibility at all – for fixed firm or tree or other poses . I will ask at the studio if there is anymore I can do about this or just be patient.

    I am overall really glad I did it and feel a sense of achievement – I tended to tell others that it was no big deal, and not to make very much of it, and therefore feel a bit cheated? Does that make any sense?

    I was very hungry the whole time I did it and haven’t lost an ounce of weight. Oh well……

    Thanks so much for your support and help


    Post count: 4

    Today is day 3 of my 30 day challange… A lady from work and myself are attempting to complete 1 class a day for 30 days. We have mapped out what classes we will go to and what times etc and are motivating each other which is great.

    I have a few injuries both old and new that limit my practise, but this mornings class I got through all the positions that i’m allowed to do. Normally I have to sit a number of them out.

    Today’s class I found very confronting… the instructor was a bit more involved I guess you would say, it was a smaller class and she was more one on one with the students. She called me out on a few things and I found myself in tears for the first 5 positions during the floor series… I’ll be interested to see how I go tomorrow morning after a good nights sleep, see if that makes any difference to my emotions during class.

    Some things i’ve noticed…

    – I am REALLY struggling to drink 3 litres of water a day… I find water very
    boring! (no flavour etc)

    – I want to eat more during the day

    – I’m craving salt


    Post count: 2

    Hi to all!

    I am new in the yoga world and even newer in the hot yoga world and on day 4 of my first 30 day challenge. I came to yoga because I am training for a marathon and got a stress fracture on my pelvis. So thought yoga was a good idea, combined with aqua-jogging, to stay strong and fit while I keep of the running shoes for another 4 weeks.

    I will keep logging in to se what more interesting stuff you have all put down. Today I feel like crap :/ tired, tummy ache, a bit nausea. Does anybody know if that is because of the yoga? I have another question, I am a 29 year old, 62kg, 1.70 healthy female. But not sure how many calories to eat per day while I am on this challenge. Any ideas?

    Ok, looking forward to sharing this experience with you all. Wrote a before the challenge article on my blog and at the end will see the results and post that too. Helps me measure myself and see what type of results I get from it.

    Hope you all have a great challenge month! hurray for us!
    New Zealand

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Natalia

    Is your strategy working? 😉

    As far as eating is concerned: The more hot yoga you do, you should find that your food choices will be more holistically healthful. My experience with runners and marathoners is that without yoga they eat, eat, EAT, whenever and whatever they can to keep up with the energy demands. Then when they do more yoga, they find that automatically their choices are better ones not based on filling the hole but nourishing the body, mind and soul. Now that (unintentionally) ended up being a little poetic! :cheese:

    So just notice what your choices are and have fun with your challenge and have a smooth healing process

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 2

    Hi Gabrielle:
    Thanks for the response. I have definitely had some shifts during this challenge. I am on day 9 and feeling much better. The cravings are slowly going away. Trying to eat more fruits and vegetables, more animal lean protein and lots of water. Also trying to fit in one coconut water a day, but they are a bit expensive. Do you have any other beverage that may help me stay hydrated??

    Amazing webpage has helped me loads during my challenge.

    21 days to go!!!


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Natalia

    I like to choose the simple approach: Unrefined salt. I use Himalayan crystals and have used other types too: Celtic (Atlantic), Maldon, or other types.

    I use it in and on my food and sometimes I sprinkle a dusting into my water for class with or without a little lemon juice.

    Anyway, it’s MUCH cheaper than coconut water – which I prefer to have directly from a coconut. 😉

    Have fun

    Gabrielle 🙂

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