Mat or Carpet?

Mat or Carpet?2011-06-09T19:57:03+00:00
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  • kkinnett
    Post count: 1

    I have switched to a new yoga studio and during Triangle, up until Tree Pose, they do not use the mat. The yoga studio is carpeted (berber) and the instructor said that they do not use the mat during those poses to build up strength in our upper legs and that using a mat during those poses doesn’t benefit the pose.

    Has anyone else come across this? Is she right? Or does she just not want to have the class to the top of their mats and turn to the right?

    Thanks –

    Post count: 1

    The studio I’ve been going to for the last week does this as well. I’m tempted to turn my towel to help me because of the sweat, I don’t have the leg strength to hold myself upright without sliding. On a mat I can do it fine. When I do this pose on the carpet I end up falling out which is frowned upon as well.

    Post count: 12

    I found it breaking my focus to stop and turn my mat. I practiced for about a year and a half before going to another studio, so I was confused when it happened. I found it bothersome. We stagger, front or back of mat based on the person to your left. It is tougher to start, but personally I like it better with no mat

    Post count: 108

    It is my understanding that those postures are supposed to be done on the carpet. Over time, you will build up the muscle strength to hold the posture on the carpet. I’ve heard Bikram quoted as saying you should be able to do the postures on black ice! Some studios have students turn the mats because its easier on the mats, some do it because they don’t like all the sweat on the carpet. I’ve only been to one studio, and we don’t turn the mats, and we aren’t allowed to use “props” (like the towel).

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Kelly and others 😉

    I personally think it’s a little ‘old yogi’s tale’ that you purposely don’t use a mat so that you can expressly build strength in the legs. The mat is there to define your practice space. It’s also there to keep you safe. There are a number of other reasons to use the mat. One – in a carpeted studio – is to NOT sweat on the carpet so that it can remain fresh and hygienic. There’s just about nothing more distasteful than standing or worse, LYING in someone else’s sweat.

    Let’s just do yoga! Safely. Mindfully. The strength will build. And by the way, for those who don’t realise, everything is a prop – mats included! Nothing wrong with them. 😆

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Katrina Klein
    Post count: 2

    You always answer directly, correctly, and I have always appreciated your sense of humor while doing so! Thank You ~ Katrina Klein

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