More I practice…more sore I feel??

More I practice…more sore I feel??2008-04-24T04:54:26+00:00
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  • happyyogachik
    Post count: 9

    I’ve noticed that I’m able to go deeper into the poses…now that I’ve been practicing for several months. I also notice feeling more sore the following day. What’s up with that?? 🙂

    Post count: 15

    Yes, this happened to me, too.

    The way I rationalized the soreness was that I was moving to new places in my practice–and, more importantly, my body. In feeling stronger and more confident in class, I pushed myself further. And, in pushing myself further, I tapped into new muscles, worked through untapped tension, and stretched my muscles further. All of that is going to lead to increased soreness.

    But that soreness is good, healthy. It means you’re pushing your body to a place it hadn’t reached yesterday. And that’s what this yoga is all about, right?

    The most important thing to remember is to keep going to class, even if your muscles ache. Because class will help get all that lactic acid out of your muscles, which will only make you feel better!!

    Good luck! And, always, namaste.


    Post count: 9

    I think you’re absolutely right! It’s rather exciting. Thanks so much,


    Post count: 8

    This will subside once you continue to practice more and more.

    Just listen to your body and back off where you can.

    Every day is different because of so many factors.

    I’ve been practicing practially every day for months and still get excited to know what kind of practice I’m going to have.

    Whilst I enjoy the breakthrough classes, I simply observe those with lower energy and promise to have a nice big chocolate hemp mylk with oodles of raw honey when I get home!

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