More variety of classes when doing yoga at home

More variety of classes when doing yoga at home2009-10-18T17:59:00+00:00
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  • Lisafr
    Post count: 40

    Due to the fact that I am living about 2000 kilometers away from the nearest Bikram yoga studio, I started practicing at home. I have ordered the Masterclass (thank you Gabrielle, it is fantastic!) and also the ‘live’ recorded class. Together with a class that I bought on another yoga website (yoga download has one quite good class, the other one is having a lot of mistakes), these are the only classes I am using.
    Allthough I am enjoying the ‘live’ class, for me it is not so suitable to practice every day with this class, because hearing the same remarks doesn’t help (my) concentration. The other recorded class I have is just the dialogue being read out. But also hearing this class every day is not ideal!
    So again, although I am extremely happy with the live recorded class of Gabrielle(especially because it is also supplied with the text written out, which is very helpful for non-native English speakers!) I need some variation. In other topics I saw some people referring to other sites with hot-yoga-alike cd’s. As I still consider myself as a beginner, at the moment I would like to do yoga with the hot yoga/bikram dialogue. I have also ordered the class of Bikram himself, but am wondering whether anyone could help me finding other recorded classes (preferably not live classes and preferably without music) that I could buy. Thanks a lot for your help!

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Lisa

    Thanks for your feedback! I will agree with you that it is helpful to have several good quality class recordings to enjoy some variation in your experience. You don’t actually need that many! But it is nice to have some change so you don’t anticipate every word. That in itself is a challenge of any recorded class. And hence the challenge that people have with a recited dialog class that is delivered live.

    Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that we are actually producing some new audio classes.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 40

    It is indeed the variation that makes it interesting, also having different accents. I don’t mind having the same teacher all the time, by the way! 🙂 So if you are recording more of your own classes -live or not- I will be happy to buy them.

    Great to have this forum I am really enjoying it; before I finally decided to order the masterclass I already found a lot of useful information on this forum. Thanks!

    Post count: 356

    I actually went to a recording studio and did my own!!!! NOw I have three classes and thinking about the one you talked about from yoga download. It does help when you are in the hot room aften to change it up a bit. I LOVE my cd though because its timing and cues that speak to me

    Post count: 2

    hello Gabrielle –
    I read your recent email post about an upcoming home practice package (?) and am wondering if that is pure instruction or if it was recorded in a live class (as is the current package, with callouts to specific students in the class). I would like to practice at home & would love just audio of a full 90-minute class as well as the shorter variations in your current package.

    When will the new home practice product be available

    many thanks,


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi msleen

    So far I have only used a live class. Wondering whether it is more appealing to hear that others are in the room. Generally, would you prefer live or just instruction?

    The new home practice guide is to be shortly available – hopefully in the next 10 days (the class is live).

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 2

    Just instruction would be most helpful. The comments are cool in that they create a real class atmosphere but hearing the same comment over & over in the audio would be a bit distracting (at least to me). Focus is a challenge for me. Good to hear that the new product is so close to being available.

    thanks for your reply!

    Robert Scanlon (Webmaster)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 266

    Hi msleen – we’ll in all likelihood be using a live-class as the sound bed for this upcoming release – from general feedback in the past, other students have enjoyed the sense of being present and working alongside others.

    I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve practiced to Gabrielle’s recorded class and while you certainly can begin to predict what is coming next (which wouldn’t change with just instruction anyway), I personally like the sound of a live class over that of dry instruction.

    Gabrielle is very positive and encouraging – there are some teachers I have experienced who I could not stand to repeat a recorded class to – too bossy/dominant and with too many negative commands (“Don’t do that, don’t do this”), so bear that in mind too!

    I think the delight in any recorded class is challenging yourself to remain present – even if you know there is a “comment” about someone coming up etc.

    Just thought you’d like my 2c worth!

    I can tell you we ARE working on getting some varieties of recordings available so you can have different “versions” of Gabrielle’s 90-min classes to help with variation.

    Also note that the new Home Practice Guide will contain several recommended sequences if you want a class other than a standard 90-min class, though at this stage there will be no audio versions of these (that’s available on DVDs Vol 1 & 2).


    Post count: 40

    I really hope you will still release one or more classes with just instructions. Those are (for me) by far better then the live classes. I really have to force myself to do a ‘live’ class (and of course that says something about me, but it is like that!) to get in fact a better quality class. I love Gabrielles class, but would like to have it without all the extra comments.

    One more question: I already have the Master class with the dvd’s and I bought the cd last year. Is there any new recording of an audio class included in your home practice guide? Or do I already have everything?

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Lisa

    That IS a really great question and quite a timely one. We are just getting ready to (aka almost finding the time to) put together a couple of recordings so that y’all can have plenty of choice!

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 40

    Hurrah!! You see…your class gives me the best feeling afterwards, it is just…well…right! I am sure that a real yogi will say that I have to get used to the same remarks and jokes (Bikram’s cd), as long as the class is good. But after about 8 months practicing, I know what I prefer.

    I only had 3 classes in a studio before I started practicing at home. And without your live class and the text I could never have figured out how to do the poses well. I learnt all I know from your class and since a couple of months as well from your Master class. So thanks for that!
    Really looking forward to getting some more recorded classes.

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