my 'new' practice with my 'new' hip LOL

my 'new' practice with my 'new' hip LOL2009-10-18T16:55:10+00:00
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  • fraseram
    Post count: 356

    Some people may know this already but I’ll back up for those that are new here. I broke my hip in Jan of last year. I continued to practice and was in the hot room (with my walker) two weeks after surgery and kept going strong. I had some new limitations in terms of range of motion. My new hip was stiffer and just did not have the give (pins and metal don’t tend to be very bendy!) but after a while my poses started to come back.
    In Aug (two months ago) we decided to take the pins out………. the next week I was back in hosp. It never did heal and when the pins came out it broke agin right away. They had to reshape my whole hip and leg. It is rotated and bone is graphed in so I gained length on my right side. My pelvis is shifted and lower on my right side ect. A whole new leg! The bonus is I can walk and move pain free. but yes I do have a limp that is perm and my new hip is now supposed to be out of alignment (HUH?) I still hit the hot room and practice about 5 days a week. My poses do not look the same but ‘feel’ the same in my body. What I will be able to do after more healing????? Time and yoga will tell but I have begun to accept and realize that the hot room is NOT about your pose looking like X or even making progress in how deep you go in a pose. I no longer look at the hot room as a set of 26 POSES AND POSTURES but an hour and half of personal exploration. I go in to breathe and be in my body and discover who I am. I already know what I look like ;-P now its time to find out what I can accomplish on the inside.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Amy

    Didn’t you break your hip this year 2009? You have gone through so much. I marvel at your recovery and your resilience (emotional and physical). Did your docs tell you that you would expect to walk with a limp from now on and that your legs would be different lengths? I guess it could be a relative leg length difference. I am fascinated with what ‘they’ can do. And even more pleased that you have no more pain and can walk easily.

    Please keep us posted!!!

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 356

    yes .. I broke my hip just 9-10 months ago then it re fractured in Aug two months ago. Yes before surgery they told me about the procedure and that I would have a bionic leg LOL I am doing quite well though and the yoga has kept any tightness and imbalance twinges at bay 🙂 Before I am back to my 5/week practice and yesterday even got the head to knee contact in all the forward poses!!! thanks for the support

    Post count: 106

    You’re amazing to stick with the yoga with the challenges that you’ve had. Best of luck in getting back into your normal practice.

    Post count: 356

    thanks for the support Cindy. Your words of encouragement are appreciated and needed believe me LOL. There are a lot of hard days but a lot of good days too. It would not be like me to pull up suck it up and feel the determination it takes to be the best you can be at what ever it is. I never do everything (or much actually!) to perfection. I screw up or just don’t know the answer sometimes ….. but if I can look back at the day and say I did my best ……. I am happy with I was able to accomplish and OK letting go of what I couldn’t

    Post count: 44

    Thanks so much for sharing. I have some fears about my hips and knees and it’s really encouraging to know that you can continue your practice. That it evolves but doesn’t have to end. Again, thanks for sharing.

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