Natural body builder and Bikram Yoga

Natural body builder and Bikram Yoga2010-05-20T18:35:20+00:00
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  • stefanogym
    Post count: 4

    Hello, I am a natural bodybuilder and weight lifter , for 22 years, and recently decided (also practicing for 2 years and more, meridian stretching and meditation) to add Bikram yoga to my routine.
    So I went to have my first session. I am 7% body fat already, so I do not need to drop any fat, I just like the energy work and the stretching that is also paramount for my strength training results.
    So basically I got to my first session and I was not totally sure on how to prepare about peri and post workout nutrition.. I brought with me 35 gr vitargo plus 24 whey proteins and glutamine that I usually take after my weight training and I used 2 lt of H20 plus himalayan salt during the session… I drank my usual high water intake during the day… I usually put 1 lime juice for each liter of water that I use to be more alkalyne, and went to the session… Basically I sweated a lot and after session I was seriosly glicogen depleted, that I really did not like being a strength athlete. Mostly my leg, really shrinked, anyway.. I started carb reloading the day after…cuz I only had 35 gr vitargo and 24 whey , 30 min after the session after having showered, and then after another hour I had 24 gr whey, 24 gr casein, raisins, 4 dried figs and one granny apple, and went to sleep after another hour..the session was at 6.15 pm
    So I was all the day after refilling my glycogen, summoning up to 330 gr of carbohydrates during the day and still not full in the legs!lots of whater of course to bind to the carbos, as we should know…
    anyway… for the next session I want to be prepared.
    I was thinking to get 20 gr BCAA before the session and eventually a Nitric oxide supplements that contains also glycerol (that is hydrating and used in hot environment from athlete for not being dehydrated).. it does not contain any stimulant of course, that I never use in my life cuz they interfere with my usual meditation spiritual practice! So basically I am thinking also taking a essential aminoacid pool during the workout and after the workout, upping vitargo up to 90 gr plus 1.2 lt of water and 24 gr whey to drink in the followin one hour..not all together as we know the body can process just 500 ml of H20 each half an hour…
    does it make sense to you?

    my only concern is coming off the session muscularly full or easy to replenish just with the post workout shake.
    I love the hot, I felt great and I love the stretching

    thank you for interest, I think nutrition is paramount for any physical activity and those things should be known from practitioner.

    I am a personal trainer..strength sport..myself also



    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Stefano

    Welcome to the forum. I really don’t have enough knowledge about body building and appropriate supplements to even start to give you an answer.

    I tend toward wholefood products. So much of what you have written about sounds like a different language to me! 😆

    Maybe there’s someone else out there who can help you who by giving you the benefit of their experience.

    Thanks for joining us at the forum. I hope you find useful information here.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 4

    Hi Stefano

    Welcome to the forum. I really don’t have enough knowledge about body building and appropriate supplements to even start to give you an answer.

    I tend toward wholefood products. So much of what you have written about sounds like a different language to me! 😆

    Maybe there’s someone else out there who can help you who by giving you the benefit of their experience.

    Thanks for joining us at the forum. I hope you find useful information here.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Thank you Gabrielle, much appreciated 🙂

    Post count: 356

    I’ll take a shot..
    WHen you exercise in heat in effects your glycogen in ways that normal exercise does not so BEWARE. What happens in the heat is that all of your blood and bodies energy are needed to cool your system down. Your digestion and other organs (including your liver which normally handle this) shut down and go temp go to sleep as to not interfere with your cooling. When this is going on there is an incredible spike causing your insulin and sugar levels to raise. SO if you ‘carb up’ your body is not absorbing anything causing even MORE sugar coursing through your body and even higher blood sugar levels……… hence the crash after class. I would simply hydrate well and replenish after. wait for your system to return to normal (about 30 mins) and then listen and feel what your body is telling you you need….
    a supplement bcaa with little or no sugar would be good or even just a reg protein drink
    the key here is though is NOT to carb up because of what is happening chemically in your body.

    Post count: 40

    @Fraseram: This sounds interesting. I was just writing (in another topic) that I always had and have trouble to eat enough before starting yoga. My metabolism is just very fast I think. If I don’t eat something before class, I will get very hungry. I used to eat a banana or a piece of bread just before my (home) lesson. Sometimes I even eat during the lesson. Not too much, just a banana or apple or so. The temperature in my room is usually between 39 and 41 degrees Celsius and humidity between 60 and 80%, just as sticky hot as in most studios. Does your explanation mean it would be better to eat something with more proteins instead of carbohydrates? That sounds a bit ‘heavy’ to me.
    I really tried to get used to not eating before class for about 3 hours. I can only do that after a quite heavy lunch. I am sure I am an exception as I am always training with my friend who could not even think of eating during the yoga practice. In case you or somebody else has recommendations, I’d love to hear that! Thanks a lot, Lisa

    Post count: 356

    IF this feels good to your body then I would not change anything but…. if you are looking for a change I would suggest a banana about 30 mins before and then some coconut milk during which has sugar and other nutrients in it to keep you going but are slow acting so they dont cause that high and low I was talking about. I’m not saying NOT to eat carbs just beware of fast acting sugars and/or having a higher blood sugar level before class. If intense, the heat and exercise can cause a raise in blood sugars for a variety of reasons.

    Post count: 4

    thank you Ami, for all your responses 🙂

    Post count: 3

    I am new to these forum and these kind of exercise but as you had describe that you are a natural body builder and your that picture shows your beautiful structure.I just had to say you rock man.

    Post count: 4

    I am new to these forum and these kind of exercise but as you had describe that you are a natural body builder and your that picture shows your beautiful structure.I just had to say you rock man.

    Thank you, I appreciated 🙂

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