NeckDo you have any suggestions. Thanks janet

NeckDo you have any suggestions. Thanks janet2017-12-14T03:09:49+00:00
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  • janet
    Post count: 5

    Hi Gabrielle, I have been doing bikram for 1 1/2 years at least 3 Times a week sometimes 4 . I have always had neck issues , hair colorist for 30 years so arms up all day etc.  also ad a bad car accident 15 years ago ; at first my neck got better but as of 4 months something changed so I had exray and I have cervical bone going forward a little bit , this is new as of last exray 8 years ago , also lots of stenosis and arthritis there too in cervical ; radiologist had me see neurosurgeon who said surgery not needed but did mri to be sure and is ok so thankful for not needing surgery ,one of my yoga instructors suggested not tucking my chin to neck just keep neutral ; seems to help a little bit , do you have any suggestions; half moon irritates it also strange had none of this before ; I am going to do physical therapy and hopefully they say the poses are ok to do !

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hello Janet

    Thank you for your questions. Can you do something for me? Tell me if this scenario resonates in any way for you. I am happy to know if this is not the case but this is what I am wondering: In order to work closely in the hair salon do you hunch forward even if only slightly (with your back a little rounded, chin forward)?

    It’s very common for people to have ‘internally rotated shoulders’. As you say, you carry your head more forward than you should. This is probably why your teacher has suggested not tucking your chin as much. I had a similar problem when I practised as a dentist (pre-yoga). That doesn’t mean that’s the only thing you can do! It’s a very 1 dimensional approach. It’s like that old joke where you tell your doctor, “it hurts when I move my leg like this…” answer “so don’t move your leg like that!” It’s great that it’s helping you somewhat. Hopefully we’ll get a little more deeply into it and create a system for you (perhaps both in posture tweaks and yoga mods).

    The first questions I need to ask you about are how these problems manifest in your daily life and how they affect your yoga poses. It is clearly affecting you but I am not sure how yet.

    It would be good to know what your neurosurgeon says about the stenosis. You said you don’t need surgery. What else did s/he say about your options and daily functioning? What movements are you supposed to make or avoid?

    I am wondering if you’ve read elsewhere in my newsletters or on my websites (my book or videos) about the concept of ‘shoulders in your back pocket’. It creates a situation where your chest lifts, your shoulders slide down and back into position, your neck straightens, your chest volume increases (ability to breathe more deeply) your posture muscles strengthen and you really won’t be able to crane your neck forward. It takes practice for sure but as a ‘first cab off the rank’ thing to do, this is it.

    You will find that your shoulders move from being internally rotated, to externally rotated. This external rotation is your aim.

    It may take some time for you to re-learn how to anchor your arms from your shoulders and effect movement of the arms from these well-anchored posteriorly-placed shoulder blades. You may find you have to re-code many of the movements you have been making in your hairdressing career to reverse some bad habits.

    It just takes practice. Focus on keeping shoulders back and down as explained. You have to train yourself OUT of extending arms forward with the shoulders (and chin) moving forward too.   So, focus on ‘shoulders in back pockets’ position, make mental notes of the differences, then report back to me. One of the reasons you have likely developed that habit is  because of a personal space issue (with you respecting your clients’ space and your physiology has learned to respond). Your shoulders and chin are further forward than they should be so that your body is further away and you kind of round forward a bit. To externally rotate your shoulders and recreate your posture, you might find yourself (your torso!) a bit closer to your peeps. Just notice, just let me know if this makes sense in the context of your work. This may feel uncomfortable for you.

    In the meantime, I really want to know what your specific pain/discomfort/arthritis triggers are in and out of the yoga room. If it’s when you’re working, what are you doing? If it’s in the studio, which poses and at what point? Give me a few examples as if I need more then I will ask for them!

    I have a hunch that once we both know more, and we manage what you do (with a formula so you know what to look for) unless there is something I haven’t foreseen, you should be able to more fully participate in the yoga class (with some modifications possible).

    Gabrielle 🙂



    Post count: 5

    Yes I have started the hands in the backpocket and it is very helpful, yes yes yes this all makes sense to me , I start therapy at a neck clinic Jan 8 then I will know more about stenosis, all of the poses feel good except half moon it’s after that when I get stiff or pinching, I have started relaxing my arms a bit with a bend to them and that helps ! I just want to make sure that I am not doing any pose that I shouldn’t be doing with my diagnosis but I guess we will know that after I start therapy , one other pose is rabbit in which my instructor has told me to not tuck chin in and don’t go strong , this is hard for me I like to push it , this has been a challenge in my whole practice to not go to my edge but I believe it is helping , any thoughts on rabbit ? And yes the rounded shoulders as you know from being in the dental field is hard to break but I am determined, I do have your hot yoga book , dvd and audio , have just started the book ! Thanks again namaste janet

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Janet

    Thanks for the fast response! OK so, you’re definitely going in the right direction.

    Regarding Rabbit: When you used to go fully into the pose (before the unlatching of the chin) did you walk your knees up? If you did, I would say, try this:

    Go into the pose as you used to. Do NOT under any circumstances walk the knees in. Use the traction in your arms (with shoulders up away from ears which is down and back but upside down! 😉 ) and see how that feels. I think you’re going to find that works for you.

    You see, the reason the teacher wants you not to tuck as much is they’re attacking the problem from the same level that they are experiencing it. As such they are not really addressing the stenosis, they seem to be addressing the chin forward posture that you exhibit. You probably are well on the way to handling that part of the equation. 😀

    It seems that the word is that, if anything, one ought to avoid backward bends and lifting the chin for stenosis. But you’re not complaining about any of that. My sense is that the space you’re needing (ie decompression) is happening through a balanced yoga practice.

    I am keen to hear what you find out in January. Clearly, you don’t want to be causing any more damage. Remember a couple of things: You don’t need surgery (yay!) so that speaks a little to the severity of your condition. And, remember to listen for signs of hot-yoga-phobia. It’s not unheard of that people uninitiated in the benefits and practice of hot yoga can say they don’t think it’s good for you simply because of their ignorance. So just make sure you’ve really got your excellent skill of curiosity handy and analyse what’s being said. I am sure you must have been looking up stenosis on the internet so go armed with tons of questions.

    Re Half Moon. I am not exactly clear on whether you have issues during the pose or after. I get that bending of arms is helping. Now that you do that, is there less pinching afterward? Where exactly are you feeling the stiffness?

    Happy holidays

    Gabrielle 🙂


    Post count: 5

    Hi Gabrielle, it’s both in half moon , but not every time , the part I am concerned with is me c3 and c4 that are aligned out of place ! This is what I don’t want to make worse !for now if it doesn’t hurt I am good , I will keep you posted , happy holidays   Namaste janet



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