Not bad for a beginner, but…

Not bad for a beginner, but…2009-05-04T19:51:33+00:00
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  • jamesdbll
    Post count: 4

    I went to my first Bikram class a few weeks ago. Upon leaving, the teacher and a couple students expressed how surprised they were that I was a beginner. In fact, they were shocked. I was able to do all of the poses (except a couple of the balance intensive ones) with relative ease. The Supta Vajrasana, for example; my knees were touching and my spine was touching the floor from top to bottom. Ironically, I am constantly straining my back and/or neck (I’ve done so for many years) such that I’m incapacitated for 3 or 4 days at a time. One would expect that someone with a genetic predisposition toward flexibility would enjoy a healthy spine. Me…not so much. I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts regarding the possibility that my flexibility is precisely the cause of injury. Imagine a wet noodle if you will. Though delicious when buttered, they do not evoke images of sturdiness. I was wondering if anyone has had similar experiences. If so, how did Bikram help?

    By the way, I’m hooked.


    Post count: 55

    Hi James,

    I’m also quite a “wet noodle” or so my teachers call me like that 😉 I’ve been doing the 60 days challenge and my flexibility was so bad in the end. It got me to focus more on my strength in my postures. Feels like I was letting go everything to do the postures. It was so easy before. Now I can seriously feel a difference. When we are super flexible, it’s much more harder to contract our core. Focus on that. It helped me with my back injuries.

    You might want to ask a teacher if they can guide you a bit. Ask them if you are doing it correctly, if you are targeting your core.

    Hope i helped a bit.

    Post count: 41

    congrats! i’m a newbie too and find that i can do most poses easily and am very flexible as well. maybe you have had neck and back problems because of simple muscle tightness due to stress? I know when I’m stressed i tend to tense up and not really relax all the way. If so, I guess yoga will help with that!

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi James

    Welcome to hot yoga and the forum.

    You may just be starting to understand on a cellular level that strength and flexibility need to exist in balance. You may be naturally flexible but your body is requiring strength to support you. So naturally flexible people (those wet noodles) may lack strength. Equally they could be very strong. Ever seen Cirque de Soleil? You couldn’t do what they do without both sides of the equation.

    In general people come to yoga practice and discover what is missing from this vital formula.

    The fact that you have experienced problems over the years tells me that you have not attained an appropriate level of strength in the muscles supporting your spine. You probably do have good spinal health but your core strength and general support structures need work.

    I do not agree that the super flexible find it harder to contract their core. Anyone can do it. The ‘trick’ is knowing how to. If you have lost that ability (because we probably all knew how to once 😉 ) then you have to get back in touch with this ability. My guess is that you may need some help (outside of the yoga studio with this) given your longstanding issue.

    Last thing worth mentioning is in Supta Vajrasana even though you may be able to get your whole spine on the floor – which by the way is quite an achievement :cheese: – unless you have already been picked up on it, the aim is to arch your spine as much as possible. This will really help your back strength too! By the way this month’s Private Members’ Pose Clinic focuses entirely on this pose (also known as Fixed Firm).

    Gabrielle 🙂

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