Numb Big toe after two months of Bikram Yog

Numb Big toe after two months of Bikram Yog2010-08-15T00:43:48+00:00
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  • jaketterer
    Post count: 3

    I had a lumbar disc op three yrs ago and have experienced some residual nerve pain in lower left leg ever since. Since starting Bikram this improved a lot on the days i practicsed Bikram but in last three weeks have had a dead/numb big toe on this same foot and pins and needles in it which come and go. Any suggestions , it is a very strange, sensation and wondering if connected to lower back being stretched again for first time in a few years? Flexibiliby I had had prior to surgery and back problem returned much quicker than I expected after starting Bikram so that must be good and could do camel pose after only 6 classes but a bit mistified by toe problem?

    Angela T
    Post count: 7

    I have something somewhat similar, maybe. It started with cramps in right calf with every floor bow. Now after the cramp I go to next poses and my right big toe, and nearby toes are numb and/or pins and needles for the rest of class and sometimes for hours after or more. Today after more than 3 hours now my ankle and lower leg is going numb.

    Hoping to find some answers or suggestions from this group.

    Thank you,


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048


    Firstly, I just sent a PM to Jane cos somehow I missed her post from exactly 6 months ago. Doh! I will wait to see if she is still needing help on her issue and if there’s been any improvement or indeed yoga is still on the menu! :cheese:

    Angela, your turn!

    Have you had repeated episodes of the numbness? Is it tingling or is it numbness? Is it loss of sensation on the skin or a sense of heaviness, or something else you can find some words for? Did adjusting your electrolytes come into the picture for you? And if it continued to bother you did you seek some medical advice?

    Lots of questions!

    How’s the cramping these days? My first instincts when I read your post was to focus on some stretching through your calf. Sometimes people try SO hard in floor bow that they are using their calves and feet TOO MUCH. (Reversing the cramping movement is often the way to help that situation, but of course we’re not even sure what the issue is just yet.)

    You really ought to try relaxing your feet and calves in bow, but drive the pose with your upper legs. I remind my students to move their knees upward and their feet toward the back wall. There really shouldn’t be tension in the calves or feet to make that happen.

    Let me know if that makes sense.

    Gabrielle 🙂

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