Nutrition and Yoga Practice

Nutrition and Yoga Practice2011-04-05T21:17:18+00:00
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  • hot4yoga10
    Post count: 2

    Hello, I wanted to ask about nutrition and yoga as I have performed much searching online to see what savvy long term yogis and yoginis eat. Do they indulge at all with sweets or alcohol, whats the % of vegetarians, vegans, or do their diets consist of high protein low carb or other way around. Any feedback would be much appreciated as I have seen some beautifully lean bodies in hot yoga and would love to know how their diets are constructed.

    Many thanks and Nameste :O)

    Post count: 32

    I really can’t say what the majority of yogis might eat, I would assume that they’re mostly vegetarian though. A few Bikram instructors I know are completely vegetarian. I do have a friend that teaches Bikram yoga. She’s naturally thin and eats EVERYTHING! ha ha Seriously, her favorite foods are anything “carb laden” and will often overindulge. Other people I’ve talked to who practice it regularly say that they can also eat whatever they want because their metabolism’s have skyrocketed. For myself, well I’ve always eaten very healthy, preferring lots of protein smoothies, fish, chicken, veggies, etc. And especially if you’ve worked hard in yoga and feel so light and energized afterward, I would think the last thing you’d want to do it overload the body with lots of chemicals, carbs, etc. Everyone is different of course but this is what I’ve noticed.

    Post count: 2

    a very sincere thank you and being almost a year in my practice I see food so differently than I use to… 🙂


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