OUCH OUCH OUCH!!!2008-05-14T00:02:37+00:00
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  • Mammaren
    Post count: 21

    I LOVE half moon. Always have. But lately it HURTS me so much. To the point of my eyes welling with tears. I can do a fairly “deep” half moon (whatever that means) and have always thought my posture was great. But for about three weeks I feel like my spine will NOT move. Some days are worse than others (of course).. I have also seen that my “progress” in the third part of Half Moon has all but gone backwards. I feel like my spine has turned to steel..


    I practice five or six times a week and have been doing Bikram for four years or so..

    Post count: 2

    Hello Mammaren. hannahjustbreathe has said it and its true. One’s practice is a journey, not a destination. My advice is to focus on your breath and stay with the teacher’s words like you did the very first time when you had no idea what to do. That way you will not be focused on “depth” or “progress” or any lack of depth or progress. Those ouches seem to show up from time to time and they do have things to tell us. In my own (considerable) experience with the talking ouches, they usually seem to be hoping to teach me something about breath, and alignment and not judging. When I let the depth go begging a bit, I remember why I love yoga. And then when I am ready and the depth starts to return, it seems like magic, makes my face break open smiling and here again, I remeber why I love yoga. Good luck….All my best, Rozz.

    Post count: 7

    Hello Mammaren. hannahjustbreathe has said it and its true. One’s practice is a journey, not a destination. My advice is to focus on your breath and stay with the teacher’s words like you did the very first time when you had no idea what to do. That way you will not be focused on “depth” or “progress” or any lack of depth or progress. Those ouches seem to show up from time to time and they do have things to tell us. In my own (considerable) experience with the talking ouches, they usually seem to be hoping to teach me something about breath, and alignment and not judging. When I let the depth go begging a bit, I remember why I love yoga. And then when I am ready and the depth starts to return, it seems like magic, makes my face break open smiling and here again, I remeber why I love yoga. Good luck….All my best, Rozz.

    This has been my experience (very little, beginner) also. It seems that every time I reach a new level of something good i.e., strength, alignment, flexibility, etc., I have a new pain to work through right with it. It ebbs and flows, probably not such a bad thing.

    Hang in there – bet there’s a better posture when you get back to normal ;~)

    Post count: 11

    I have been practicing for 2 2/2 years. I am not very flexible, so while others can easily bend in half moon, I still have a “beginners” bend. My instructors stress that this pose is a stretching and not a compression pose. They have said that often the advanced students have very little bend in this pose as they are focused on the stretch. At the beginning of the bend, they stress to “stay as tall as you can, reaching for the ceiling”, stretching at each inhale and pushing the hips at the exhale. I feel it all down the stretching side. This keeps the lower back in particular for pinching and hurting.

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