Overheating After Hot yoga Class

Overheating After Hot yoga Class2009-10-17T11:28:26+00:00
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  • sahadev
    Post count: 1

    I experienced an overheating feeling “after” yoga class not during the class. In fact, I have started to worry that the hot environment is triggering perimenopausal symptoms (I’m at the age, 49, but I drink nettles tea and that seems to alleviate most symptoms). I’m pretty healthy, am already a frequent exerciser and have some toxins in my body. I have gradually converted over from gym and studio exercising to doing yoga which I love the past several years. I’ve done some research and now I know not to wipe sweat off; to not take a shower right away; to even avoid going outside within 30minutes following the class..though today I was out in cooler air within 20 minutes.

    Again, my endurance during class is fine, I feel hot but am able to do all the exercises just fine and always have. I would say I have very mild perimenopause symptoms, I don’t get hot flashes but the I have a heated feeling that is keeping me awake right now. I’ve discussed this with a male teacher who has been in the industry for 10 years and he acted like he had never heard of my experience before. I’ve also done several google searches on the subject to no avail?

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hello ‘sahadev’

    There are some people for whom the yoga becomes difficult to cope perimenopausally. Some of these issues could be environmental and modifiable. I wonder what other symptoms you normally get because you mention you already have to alleviate them with nettle tea.

    Can you tell me a little more about what happens? You are feeling overheated after class… so:

    >> is this after any class?

    >> what times do you go to class, is it always in the evening or do you go at different times. Is the result the same regardless of class times?

    >> you mention difficulty sleeping – so I wonder if it is about class times too

    >> Are you taking any hormonal medications or have you changed any recently?

    >> if you can tell me anything else that may even seem inconsequential. For example: A few months ago I had a related conversation on the Private Members’ Forum. In that conversation we discovered that the studio had been WAY overheating some of their classes – right up to 120F. With consultation and cooperation and compassion for all students (not just perimenopausal ones 😉 ) the studio worked to establish and maintain a much more reliably consistent temperature experience from class to class.

    I know not to wipe sweat off; to not take a shower right away; to even avoid going outside within 30minutes following the class..though today I was out in cooler air within 20 minutes.

    It’s great that you are not wiping sweat. When you say that you don’t think you should take a shower straight away, do you mean that you stay in Savasana longer and then take a shower? I live in a temperate climate (it is barely cold here) so I wonder about avoiding going outside. Can you please tell me your beliefs around these 2 things so I can better understand your thought processes?

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 106

    Hi sahadev,
    I have just recently begun to experience hot flashes and night sweats. They were pretty bad in April and May when I was going to Bikram frequently (4-7 times per week). Over the summer I didn’t go to class more than a few times per week as I was working through a hamstring injury. At the same time I started taking an herbal supplement for menopausal symptoms. Not sure whether it was because of less Bikram or the supplements or both, but the symptoms have lessened significantly. I am just now starting back to my regular routine (and by that I mean starting today). It will be interesting to see if the symptoms increase. If they do, then I would probably attribute them to the yoga. I’ll let you know what happens. Either way, I am not going to stop doing Bikram as I am passionate about it and feel that the benefits outweigh this negative.


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