Piriformis Syndrome?

Piriformis Syndrome?2008-10-12T00:30:56+00:00
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  • sallyjo7
    Post count: 1

    I thought I had a right hamstring pull (first noticed while walking); but it has continued for more than a year. I started Bikram Yoga six months ago, but the pain in my hamstring and glute has not improved. The Chiropractor states it is nerve root compression at L2 and L4. Chiropractic treatment does not recognize piriformis syndrome, yet all the information I read on the subject suggests that this is my problem. The treatment I received at the Chiropractor’s office has not relieved any of my discomfort. I use stretches for the piriformis muscle and a Teeter inversion table (I started one week ago – patience is not my strong suit). Any pose during yoga class that involves bending forward is when I notice the discomfort. I am disappointed because I cannot progress with my flexibility. Can anyone suggest additional stretches or treatment options?

    Post count: 7


    I had nothing but compassion when I read your post. I suffered from piriformis syndrome for about four years. It was terrible. I couldn’t walk after doing Yoga (I wasn’t into Bikram at the time). It seemed there were certain poses that made my condition worse. I also was biking daily and eventually gave that up. I went to physical therapy and that helped. They found several muscle imbalances that I worked on. PT wasn’t the only answer, however. I saw a chiropractor, too and he would make adjustments that worked but my body would eventually go back. I think what I really needed to do was rest but it took me a couple of years to figure that out. I also bought a bike saddle that is made different for piriformis syndrome. I found that this is common among serious bike riders. I haven’t tried the new saddle but a couple of times as my body eventually made me stop riding due to chronic fatigue. I bought some equipment from trigger-point which is where you place a special ball on the muscles to help them release. This always felt wonderful. I have been going to a massage therapist for deep tissue massage and I highly recommend this treatment. Also, acupuncture has helped. I started doing Bikram less than a year ago and it is helping with the muscle imbalances in my body. I don’t know why I ended up this way as I loved to exercise. At the same time I developed the syndrome I also had complete adrenal failure so maybe this was my body telling me to stop exercising. Too much stress in my life left me depleted. It was a four year process to regain my health. I have ended all exercise except for Bikram and I have never had problems with the poses but this is on the other-side of my story. Maybe there is something in here for you as I know it isn’t exactly what you asked but I felt compelled to help if I could because it has truly been a long road for me.


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hello sallyjo7

    Welcome to the forum! I was wondering if you had discovered a couple of other posts/threads on piriformis syndrome. There are a couple of tips that will help you in there. If you haven’t then just type in ‘piriformis’ into the search box top right.

    And since you are already a registered member (many thanks :cheese:) then you have access to a free at home stretch guide. Go to the home page and then click through from the bottom left where it says Learn Free!

    To encapsulate some of the ideas: do some more hot yoga, try some yin yoga, try incorporating the long duration stretches in the ‘at home stretch guide’ and avoid sports that may have brought it on til you are fixed. There is a great tip for Standing Sep Leg Stretch too.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 8

    Hi there

    I am a registered massage therapist who specializes in sports related and spinal injuries and “if” it is piriformis syndrome you are suffering from, I definately suggest you find good massage and physio therapists who specialize in deep tissue and myofascial treatments, and work the treatment together. The physio will address any spinal and strength issues and the massage therapist will address the muscular and fascial components. I see many people with this condition who have tried chiro and it just doesn’t work!

    I think the inversion table is a great idea so keep doing that as it will release any compression on the lumbar vertebrae. Keep doing the yoga but avoid painful postures for now until you can do them (even a little) without the pain. Thats important with this condition as each time you cause pain you create inflammation and more muscular compression. Also any good massage or pysio will do ultrasound as well which is great for the inflammation and muscle tone.

    Anyway good luck and let me know if I can help in any other way


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Thank you so much Trace

    I am so grateful for your ‘voice of experience’ in this condition. Too often students are encouraged to do this yoga by pushing through or going to the pain. There is always a way to create growth and opening without pain.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 42

    Hi Sally,

    In Feb 08 I was mis-diagnosed with piriformis syndrome and actually had an epidural steroid injection done to the site thought to be the pain. the injection did nothing to aid my severe pain. I feel the pain in left butt cheek and in the back of my left leg then it moves lower to the top of my foot.

    Since feb I have had an MRi which showed that my L4-L5 disk is impinging on my sciatic nerve. I have been to the Chiropractor, Physical Therapist, Orthopedist, Podiatrist, Pain Care Specialist (I have had three more injections to my spine) and none have had much relief. Now they are thinking of a Neuro Surgeon doing a Microdiscopathy…grrrr

    Anyways, since July I have been practice Bikram every evening (6-7nights per week) some of the postures are tougher than others but my sever pain and limited mobility are getting better. The most important/beneficial technique I have found is BREATHING. Lately I have been researching the CHAKRA system and focusing on both breathe and transfer of energy between chakras during my practice and have never felt better. I am still in pain, especially when walking but Pain is the ultimate teacher, forcing us from our comfort zones and into the fire. One of the coolest techniques I’ve learned is picturing your breathe as it travels up your spine as you breathe in, the down each vertebrae of your spine with your exhale. It helps me to focus on the colors of the chakras as the energy is transferring between each of them. Transcending the pain is the best way to go!! Here are a few links and may provide you with some insight..




    Best of luck- I truly feel your pain!!


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