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  • gummisteph
    Post count: 41

    Not sure if I have put this in the right category, or whether this is an appropriate question for this forum, but its worth a shot! When I started doing hot yoga I had been experiencing mild depression, and after starting yoga my symptoms disappeared! However, during the past 3 months I’ve experienced severe premenstrual symptoms of depression. I have kept track and about 2 weeks before my menstrual cycle I get severely depressed, crying for no reason and this lasts for at least a week, up to two weeks. Then after that time I am perfectly fine and happy. I have continued my yoga practice as usual through all these times. I am on birth control, but have been on the same kind for over a year now, and just recently got these severe symptoms.
    My question is just if anyone has any advice how to treat this NATURALLY. My own research has shown that most people recommend antidepressants (which I will not take) or more exercise (which I’m already doing). I don’t have a lot of money and can’t afford to pay even the co-pays to go to my doctor to figure out why this is happening, and I also have a feeling he would just push anti depressants on me. I heard from a friend that high doses of B6 can help this condition but I would like everyones opinions!

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Stephanie

    Thanks for posting here. I am sure that others will have some interesting opinions. I think that your friend is on track. I can also recommend Vitamin B3 as a high does supplement for you.

    I wonder how big a part your diet is playing on your mood. Are you willing to talk about your food? Your profession may mean you have a propensity to eat certain things that could be aggravating your problem.

    I have recently interviewed someone about the role of certain brain chemicals in mood control and shape change. It’s the whole serotonin connection. Let me know if I should post more about that! I am still acquainting myself with the information.

    You’ll find a fantastic resource on food and the whole vitamin discussion when you watch the movie Food Matters. I really love this flick. It has been very helpful and informative. As you know, I only recommend products that I can stand behind. So here is the link where you can find it available on my own website: For their other products you would go to

    I have other things to say about food prep and eating and shape change and brain chemistry in the coming months. So stay tuned.

    I hope that this is helpful for you!!! Merry Christmas

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 41

    Thanks for replying so quickly! Yes, I do have issues with eating enough food and the right type of food. I have a history of anorexia but have been recovered for about 4 years, but I think as a result of that period of my life, I now have hypoglycemia, whose symptoms can definitely be emotional sometimes, like if I haven’t eaten anything I get pretty disgruntled, angry and easy to annoy. I have tried keeping track of the calories I take in every day and I have a lot of trouble just eating enough. Usually by 6pm I’ve only taken in about 800-1,000 calories, and thats after I’ve already been to yoga class! I am not using my profession as an excuse, but it definitely makes a difference. I’m a baker, so not only do I work really long hours on my feet, but I am not usually able to take breaks even to eat. Usually I work until I’m about to pass out and then shove something in my mouth and then keep working. Also, most of what is available to eat isn’t very healthy. I usually have some scrambled eggs in the morning, toast with peanut butter in the early morning and maybe a small sandwich for lunch. I’m not really sure what to do. I think that this is definitely something to do with hormones/chemistry because of the consistency of symptoms but my eating could and probably does have something to do with it.

    Post count: 10

    Shot in the dark here, but is there a low-income or free clinic around you that you could go to and get a hormonal panel done? Perhaps the birth control pill is giving you too much estrogen and not enough progesterone?

    Post count: 356

    I would also carry some drinks at work or for times when you cant eat. going to health food store and getting some powder mixes are the cheapest way but you also buy pre made things like boost ect

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048


    Next port of call is trying to change what you eat and also try to get in some good food more often. This is an easy experiment that will simply take a little research and planning. I sent you a private email with a suggestion. It seems you could routinely be eating a fair bit of processed flours (bread, sandwiches, cakes possibly because that’s what’s around!). It’s possible that your eating habits are not fulfilling you nutritionally and this is worsened by your need for quick fix meals and grabbing what’s there. A handful of nuts and dried fruits (or even an organic living food bar)) would be a good choice and easy to access every couple of hours. Maybe you can schedule more regular eating into your day. My guess is that you eat when your body is screaming out to you (I have been in the same situation) and that is probably way after you should have had something to sustain you through to your next meal.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 24

    ….. but I would like everyones opinions!

    Hi Gummisteph!

    Sorry for the long post, but you hit a soft spot 😆

    I went through hell on birth control pills… started taking them at age 15 for endometriosis. After a year or two, started getting side effects. Was switched to a different pill. This went on – no joke – for something like 10 years. And in that 10 years, I had 8 diffrent OBGYN’s :smirk:
    I had every side effect imaginable as I went from pill to pill: mood swings, depression, anxiety/panic attacks, fits of rage, weight gain, weight loss, hair growth, hair loss, receeding gums, bad skin, beautiful skin, PMS to where the bloating left me unable to leave the house b/c my abdomen would swell so many pants sizes overnight that there was literally nothing to wear. Meanwhile, the condition we were supposed to be treating never went away. Periods were excruciating, I had migraines, bled ridiculously, and days would go by where I would throw up any food I ate. Ovulation was so painful, there were times I couldn’t walk. I remember one incident where I found myself doubled over on the floor in a retail store and had to call to be taken home (read: carried out).

    I’ve had 3 laproscopic surgeries for endometriosis/ovarian cysts and one tubal reconstruction due to endometriosis scarring – and I’m only 30 years old. The last surgery – 2 years ago, I went to an out-of-state specialist and paid out of pocket to the tune of $7k… and finally, there was a marked improvement in my symptoms. That doctor told me to never, ever, under any circumstances, use birth control pills again, b/c (in his opinion) there is the possibility that in some cases hormone imbalances can be aggravated instead of helped by the pill :vampire:

    The doc also mentioned that, in cases like mine where there is a hormone imbalance, the pill can’t provide that 98.5%ish protection level I was assuming it was – because it is formulated based on “normal” hormones. He said it was probably more like a 70% effectiveness rate :bug:

    So I stopped taking them. After 2 years, I still get PMS, but nowhere near as badly – mostly mood swings. My period no longer stops me from getting dressed, going out, and even exercising. Migraines are rare. AND – HUGELY IMPORTANT – ALL OF THESE SYMPTOMS WERE GREATLY REDUCED AFTER I STARTED YOGA. In fact, I stopped classes for a few weeks (sprained ankle), and the period that followed was the worst I’ve had in years.

    Again, so sorry for a long rambling post from someone you don’t even know. 😆 Feel better soon!

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Stephanie

    I like Nynn’s suggestion to think about coming off birth control pills. They do play havoc with your system. And I don’t think one could confidently say it was NOT the pill just because you only recently experience those terrible symptoms.

    You want a natural solution. There could be ‘nothing more natural’ than not taking the pill. It’s just a suggestion and you have to do what’s right. There is plenty of anecdotal evidence that this could be a successful strategy for you. The yoga does seem to play a role here too! 😉

    The adjustments to your food (as discussed here and on private emails) is something well worth looking into regardless of your action regarding the pill.

    Wondering if you would please tell me when you actually started hot yoga Stephanie.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 41

    I apologize for waiting so long to check this discussion! Anyway, to answer Gabrielle’s question, I started practicing almost 9 months ago. I am not sure I am ready to stop taking the pill completely, but if the symptoms persist I will consider it. I started taking a vitamin B complex about 3 weeks ago and this month, during my usual “crazy time”, I wasn’t crazy! Could be a placebo affect as I don’t know if changes can happen that quickly, but either way, I’m happy! I started a 60 day challenge on Jan. 1st and have been feeling wonderful! I thought maybe I shouldn’t try a challenge as I’ve been having these problems, and also I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to eat enough to keep up the energy. Strangely enough I have felt less hungry than normal and less shaky and irritable when I don’t eat. Although it is also normal for me to go a few weeks where I just can’t seem to eat enough and keep getting hungry to a few weeks where I don’t hardly feel hungry at all, its strange.

    Post count: 1

    I realize this is very old, but I’ll reply anyway!

    I had the exact same problem – horrible, awful PMS. The anxiety was crippling and I thought I was losing my mind. It took a while to make the connection to the birth control pills, since I had been on them for about five years at that point. I tried a few different brands but nothing helped, so my G.P. referred me to an OBGyn. He suggested taking daily Vitamin B6 (100mg) supplements, since oral contraceptives can cause a deficiency.

    I did some Googling at the time and found conflicting reports, but figured it was worth a try. It helped, oh my god did it help. Along with regular yoga practice and a mostly good diet, I was so much better. I went off it for a bit, because I was lazy and feeling much better(!), and within a couple of months found I was having the same terrible symptoms. (Which are not good for any relationship…)

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi everyone

    Just thought I would add something that may be of interest (since Ariana mentions supplementation): Since the beginning of the year I have been eating more and more raw food. And 3 months ago I started taking high potency wholefood multivitamins to supplement my diet. I have definitely found myself on a much more even keel, no PM mood swings, no chocolate cravings(!!!), no pain. All good n’est-ce pas?

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 41

    Just reread all the posts here and wanted to give an update. The B-vitamins I was taking only made a difference for a few months and then the symptoms returned. I was so tired of being depressed that I just said “screw it” and went off birth control. I must say, everyone was right! I haven’t had any symptoms at all and I feel happier than I have in years and years! This might be related, might not, but I have noticed that since going off the pill I seem to have built up more mass (which I’m extremely uncomfortable with). My waist has grown about 2 inches and my hips by 1 inch. I have tried not to pay attention to things like weight or measurements, given my past with an eating disorder, but it’s really stressing me out! I am not overweight at all, I’m 5’9″ (175 cm) and weigh around 130 lbs (59 kilos), but I was really hoping that after practicing regularly for over a year, I wouldn’t be getting larger!

    Post count: 58

    I have terrible symptoms too. Or HAD. I had to stop the pill for many reasons. I started using a natural progesterone cream that also has DHEA and Progenenol (sp) in it. To help balance out hormones. (if you have too much estrogen.) I also take a supplement called DIM. It is all natural and comes from broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables. It helps your body metabolize estrogens. Not only our own but xenoestrogens that we get from our environment. They work great for me. I wouldn’t recommend using them while on the pill but worth a try once off the pill to see if they help.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Stephanie

    That is great news. How long since you gave up the pill? I wonder if your body is just re-balancing itself (hormonally). I wouldn’t be surprised if that extra shape falls away very soon. I am fascinated with the whole linkage between personal happiness and shape (with respect to eating disorders and so on). It must be very satisfying to feel happier without the drugs!

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Thanks Pamela for your input!

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