Previous Knee issues….

Previous Knee issues….2011-04-17T09:36:47+00:00
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  • rina_varga
    Post count: 3

    Hi! Just wondering if there is any modified pose I can do for this one? I can manage until I have to put my weight on my knees and sit down. I cannot even touch the floor…far too painful. I have arthritis and torn cartilages in both knees and sometimes even sitting crossed legged the knee bone will pop out of position and is the most painful thing I have ever experienced. Doing this and fixed firm pose is next to impossible. I do a modified version of the fixed firm by doing one leg at a time and not going all the way down…I can lean down on my elbows. Doing it one leg at a time seems to be manageable. Any suggestions for doing the toe stand? or making my knees stronger?!
    P.s. I was 330lbs when my knees issues began. I am now 130lbs and really wish I could be stronger…it’s really frustrating!


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Rina

    I would skip Toe Stand for a while until we get down into the details… OK? It’s possible that Toe Stand may be off the menu either temporarily or permanently. Before that’s set in stone more info is needed.

    Can I assume that Tree is fine for you? Do you have any limitations there? Does your foot make it up to your hip and is your heel on your midline? Do your knees hurt in Tree? Tell me what’s going on.

    Is it the cartilage that is torn? Perhaps you have meniscus damage? Do you know exactly what is wrong in your knees?

    Is it actually the knee that pops out (ouch) or is it perhaps the meniscus (which can get crushed between the bones). Either way it’s painful, but also crucial to know the reality of the situation.

    It is important to be gentle with your knees. Until I know more I cannot offer you specific ideas. Let’s see what else we can discover…

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 3

    Hi Gabrielle,
    Thanks for getting back to me! When I was heavy I was told I had torn cartilege in both knees and osteoarthritis. Once you get it…you can’t get rid of it. When I had an MRI done they told me the cartilege would heal itself gradually. It is probably a combination of the meniscus and the actual bone because I do have to push the knee cap back into place.
    I can do the tree and my foot does make it up to my hip. It doesn’t hurt because it’s not weight bearing. Often times (not doing yoga) when I bend at the knees to pick up something, sitting in a crossed leg position or sitting in Japanese style…the knee can just pop out. I also have difficulties doing the fixed firm pose…again just puts alot of pressure on the knees and I’m afraid something really painful will happen mid class…so I don’t push it!!

    Thank you so much….I am very beginner but love love love how I feel mentally and physically after my bikram class.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Rina

    I truly believe you need to get yourself in to see a practitioner who can give you an update on your knee situation.

    I cannot give you best advice if we really don’t know (and are kinda guessing) if you have:
    >> Muscular damage
    >> Joint cartilage damage
    >> Meniscus problems or
    >> Ligament problems

    Please go see someone and then update me with that information so that I can help you. Until then simply avoid what hurts you. I need more information on what exactly happens when your knee pops out. Is it patella, is it lower leg dislocating? You would find out if you have involvement of one or both menisci on each knee. Which if any ligaments are involved. Find out as much as you can.

    Gabrielle 🙂

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