Protein and building strength…

Protein and building strength…2010-05-29T06:30:50+00:00
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  • Shona
    Post count: 25

    After completing a 30 day challenge earlier this year, I have now really ramped up my yoga practice because of the benefits I feel (on ALL levels) – I am generally getting to the studio 4 or 5 times per week… however I have hit a big plateau! I eat a mainly vegetarian diet, and think my diet might be preventing progress. Does anyone have any ideas for increasing protein intake…, that is aligned to maintaining a vegetarian diet?

    Post count: 40

    I eat mostly vegetarian and always have trouble to keep my weight. I need a lot of food (I am probably an exception, because I really have to eat something before I start my yoga, otherwise I will be very hungry before even finishing the warming up) and especially when I started, I had to add more proteins to my diet. I noticed my practice was improving a lot when I did that.
    Tofu, tempeh, seitan are obvious choices I guess, but it is also worthwile to eat less pasta made out of white (refined flour), white rice, noodles etc. Instead you could look at lentils, beans, chickpeas, wholewheat flour chapatis, quinoa (wonderful as risotto and full of proteins!!), mixing some nuts into your food etc.
    I got many great ideas from the book ‘How to cook everything vegetarian’, written by New York Times journalist Mark Bittman.

    Post count: 67

    Hi Shona,

    I am not an expert, but I can tell you about my experience. First of all, I don’t think it is unusual to hit a plateau after a period of making significant progress. When I just started Bikram yoga I made great progress during the first months of practice and then suddenly for months it felt like I wasn’t improving at all which frustrated me no end. We think/believe that we should make continuous and visible progress if we work hard but in reality I don’t think it quite works this way.

    But the good news is: it does pay off. My conclusion in the end was that after the first spurt of ‘growth’ my body was probably taking time to process what it was ‘learning’ and I just needed to be patient (not my strong point). So my advice would be to just keep on going and enjoy it. The latter is ultimately why we do it, no?

    As for the diet question, when I hit my second plateau, I also turned my attention to my diet which, whilst healthy and wholesome, was not perfect (whatever that my mean), but to be quite honest I don’t think it makes that much difference provided you keep your vices to a minimum and of a high quality (I’m talking chocolate and wine here… :-)) But as for your day-to-day diet, it is believed that a largely alkaline diet is most healthful and it also happens to be beneficial to your practice. So perhaps that is something worth looking into? If it really is protein you lack, fermented tofu and tempeh are good (alkaline) sources of protein (as mentioned by the previous poster).

    Hope that helps!

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Shona

    I am not sure that a vegetarian diet would be holding you back. There are some good tips in there about alkaline diets (thanks Cyberry!) and about nuts and grains (thanks Lisa). Do you eat a lot of dairy? What about cooked food and raw food? What proportion of uncooked food do you eat?

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 25

    Thanks all for some of the hints…

    Gabrielle, to answer your queries…

    I don’t eat much dairy – a little bit of natural yoghurt, but no milk or cheese. Lunch and dinner are mainly raw vegetables with lentils / chickpeas or vegetable soup with flatbread (made with spelt flour). I tend to snack on raw nuts during the day (and sometimes chocolate!). I feel like I have plenty of energy, I am just not making any gains in the strength department.

    Any further tips would be greatly appreciated!

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Shona

    It’s hard to give you specific tips when I have little indication of the nature of your practice. I can’t tell if your practice is strong, if you’re flexible and go to a great looking pose but don’t know how to find the strength, if your technique is optimal, if you need to supplement your practice, what your exact aims are. It could be that focusing on certain elements could change your practice. At the moment I would need more information.

    Your first question was about increasing protein intake and your second is about strength training. If it is simply strength then perhaps you can either tell me if you are aware of particular poses where you are needing help or if you are willing to go venture outside of the hot yoga room to meet your needs!

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 42

    I am pescatarian and have a tough time getting protein. My partner (strict veggie) recently got me hooked on a mornin whey protein shake. It took me a week or two to get used to them–I thought the powder itself was too processed and unnatural, and they were different from what I usually ate. But whoa, what a difference. Those 20 or so grams of protein in the a.m. really help get my body going, esp before yoga. I don’t bottom out the way I normally do. Do you eat a protein-rich breakfast? That might help…

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi everyone

    Yes, protein powder seems like a great idea, thanks Elisa. If you want to take a more natural ie less processed route then I take sprouted whole grain brown rice powder which seems to be very effective.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 220


    What do you mix with your whey protein powder – milk, water, orange juice? And is there a specific brand of whey powder that you like?


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Bonnie

    I know you asked about whey powder. I am not really into milk. If I take a powder it’s the Rice Protein Powder (organic and from sprouted rice so they are nature’s little powerhouses!). The brand I use is Sun Warrior. It’s 85% protein! In my opinion this is a far cleaner source of protein than processed milk. But that’s just me!!! 😉

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 42

    Hi Bonnie!

    For the liquid, I use a combo of almond milk and soy or regular milk. (I’m not lactose intolerant, so I can use a little milk now and then). I mix frozen fruit like blackberries, banana, papaya, whatever I’ve got. The banana is a must, though. Just a handful of fruit pieces is usually enough. I do add some psyllium husk for added fiber. Blend it up and it tastes great! Keeps me full, and at 20 grams of protein that’s not a bad start to your day.

    For brand, mmm. I just tried Henry’s brand and it’s fine, but expensive. Trader Joe’s sells one taht I just bought. It tastes good and is 11.99 for 12 ounces. Not cheap, but cheaper than some of the high-end brands.

    Post count: 220

    Thanks very much, Gab and RF! I shall see if I can put that together here.

    Post count: 25

    I just wanted to give a quick update…, after taking on board the suggestions everyone posted over the past month.

    I started using tofu and tempeh (which I love!), plus making smoothies using activated nuts and kale… what a difference! I have been doing a lot of power yoga in a heated studio and my warriors are so much stronger. I actually feel like I am making progress again in all my classes – I am now going 5 or 6 times a week and feeling fab. I am going to look into getting some of the raw/organic protein powder just to supplement the changes I have made.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Shona

    Your news is GREAT! Would you be willing to share your fave recipes for smoothies? I’m curious and would love to expand my repertoire!

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 25

    My fave recipe at the moment is one green apple, the juice of half a lemon, teaspoon of cinnamon, the inside of one vanilla pod, one firmly packed cup of kale, 2/3 cup of water and 6-10 ice cubes… blend it up… yum… great after a late class.

    Post count: 67

    Wow, that sounds very interesting! And here I was thinking I was being creative with my rice milk, banana and roast pumpkin and sunflower seed drink! 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Yep, I’m with you, Cyberry. That does sound interesting! Shona, do you juice that apple? Gosh, that might be so obvious to some but I just want to be sure!!! I always have kale at home. I juice it, use it in salads and I love making kale chips. That green color is so beautiful.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 25

    I am just loving kale based smoothies at the moment… the possibilities are endless, and the experimentation is fun (sometimes it doesn’t alway work out though!).

    I just roughly chop the apple and toss it into the blender…

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