Returning to practice after an illness: Spinal TB

Returning to practice after an illness: Spinal TB2008-03-06T15:39:00+00:00
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  • Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048


    I use to do Yoga with lot of determination.
    I have been suffering from Spinal Tuberculosis and will be recovering very soon.

    My question is how can I get my rhythm back since my spine has lost its mobility and I have not done any yoga since last one and a half year

    How can I start my yoga sessions, and what are the pose you can recomend me at the initial stage to start on?
    Posted by Diptesh Govekar on 01/21 at 08:03 PM

    Thanks for your question Diptesh

    It is good to hear you are recovering. I would recommend a gentle approach to your yoga. Start off with shorter sessions or if in a structured class, less time spent in the poses in the class that you participate, with more time in Savasana between the poses for recovery.

    My particular area of expertise is the Hot Yoga series as demonstrated in my website ( It would be great to know what style of yoga you practice and whether you have access to Bikram Yoga where you live. I have done a quick search online for Mumbai studios and didn’t find any. Let me know.

    Have you suffered any or much bony loss in your vertebrae and have you needed surgery? Have you suffered any postural changes? And what does your physician say to resuming yoga?
    I could really get into hot water recommending specific poses without knowing you, your practice, the extent of your illness or your state of health in recovery. Have you got access to a yogi who can help you with your therapy first hand?

    I would like to know more before making any more recommendations.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Restored Content
    Post count: 134

    Posted by dips_ninu

    Hi Gabrielle

    I use to practice Guru Iyengar style yoga (Hatya Yoga), I started doing yoga after I started getting ill. At that time in 2005 my tuberculosis was not dignosed as a result I wen too far with this illness and in April 2007 after an MRI scan I was diagnosed having a TB, but my back started paining in November 2006 during one of my forward bending poses, I thought it was due to over streching. Now in April 2008 I will be completing with my medical course and then I want to start with my yoga.

    I was so agile that even the toughest of the back bending poses, I was doing in much more ease but now for me the TIME has changed I need help a professional help to regain my health which is the UPMOST for any human being on this EARTH.

    If I post my MRI scan report through attachment Can you help me???

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hello again

    I would strongly recommend that you seek local advice or from someone in a capitol city in your own country. Perhaps you can approach a teaching hospital or a university with a reputable medical school. There is really no substitute for ‘being there’.

    On the yoga front I would really recommend doing your poses with breath as your primary focus.

    After that comes alignment. Take all care possible to keep your body in good position. Expect that you won’t go in as deeply as you did in the past. And make sure you DON’T care about how deep you go. 😉

    If you feel more than a discomfort type of pain – one that approaches excruciating pain, then stop, back out and re-approach the pose with correct alignment (while breathing).

    Any sign of struggle, back out. Work on length in the spine and surrender into your stretches.

    Thanks for your patience.

    Gabrielle 🙂

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