Runny nose – Am I the only one?

Runny nose – Am I the only one?2012-09-21T15:53:41+00:00
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  • HeatherCee
    Post count: 6

    I know there must be others who have runny nose during practice because there are boxes of Kleenex around, but I seem to be the only one who consistently has it! At least in my classes.

    I am not sick, I do have allergies. I take an allergy medication every day but I still have a runny nose in class. I would use the neti pot, but then water would run out!

    Are there any suggestions out there? It grosses me out and makes it a little harder to breath through my nose…

    Thanks, y’all!

    Post count: 23

    Nope. You’re not the only one Heather. My nose runs as well and so do other students in my classes. I happen to “think” it is diet related but it would be next to impossible to pinpoint what it is exactly in the diet that’s causing it unless you are interested in becoming your own lab experiment like I’m thinking of doing on myself by eliminating the habituary, (is that a word) foods you eat and liquids you drink every day one by one to see if the runny nose stops. When and if it does you can then start adding back in one by one the eliminated items to see what causes it to start running again. Perhaps a food allergy of some kind might reveal itself? This method seems more intriguing to me then spending $200 on an allergy food test.

    Post count: 6

    That does sound plausible, I hope you’re able to work it out. Oddly enough I stopped taking the allergy meds and my nose stopped running as badly. Thanks a bunch for your response!

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Heather and Wendy

    Remember to take sufficient sea salt in your diet. As the salt acts as an antihistamine (along with water) you may find that this little thing helps you (especially if it is an allergic response). Wendy, I think the word you were after could be ‘habitual’! :cheese:

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 23

    Hi Heather and Gabrielle. Not sure how I missed these responses… Hopefully you’re still having the same result after having stopped taking the allergy meds Heather. I have still not made the commitment to become my own lab rat. That said, my nose still runs. :down:

    Habituary ?? I had just come from a funeral that day and had the word obituary on my mind 🙂 Yes. You are right. The right word was habitual. How could that word have eluded me?

    I will ramp up my Himalayan salt consumption.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hello Wendy

    My heartfelt condolences

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 1

    I too have a constantly runny nose in class, but it also runs a lot out of class. I’ve always had it. It’s called nasomotor rhinitis or non-allergic rhinitis. The humidity of the hot room triggers it big time, so I just keep a private stash of kleenex within easy reach to reduce disruption and stuff the used tissues in a little cosmetic bag next to it so their not visible (I go through about 5 or 6 tissues per class). I don’t have the sneezies so that’s not an issue. For you parents reading this, remember when your kids were little and got stuffy noses, we took them into a closed bathroom and ran a hot shower to generate steam to clear their heads? That’s what the hot room does for me 🙂 I don’t take anti-histamines because they raise my heart rate which at my age (62) could be dangerous. An annoying but not disabling problem.

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