SacroIliac Injury

SacroIliac Injury2009-01-22T08:54:09+00:00
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  • Tania
    Post count: 1

    Any advice for a yogi with an annoying Right SI injury? Which is aggravated by many postures, half moon to the left, awkward (first part), balancing stick (balancing on right leg), separate leg stretching, separate leg head to knee (right leg forward), sit ups, fixed firm and seated head to knee (right side). I have modified my practice to the point I don’t pust past pain in any of the above postures and have cut out sit ups completely and of course am seeking treatment. It is getting better but very slowly. Any advice?

    Post count: 42

    Hello Tania,

    I suffer from sever pain from sciatica and from my experience the following things have helped me to enjoy both my practise and also be able to do “normal” things in everyday life with some relief from the pain.

    Practise often – I try to practise 6 days a week, the more you practise the farther you will be able to allow your body to open up in the studio. Also, practise without any expectations or limiting beliefs. Some days getting into properly and holding postures are far easier than others and you just have to take the good with the bad (or horrible =P )

    Practise standing savasana – this has really helped in everyday life. I used to have so much pain just standing still, in line at the store or even in the shower. By using the Yogic technique of locking the knee and tucking my tail bone under, sucking and keeping your stomach in to release the pressure on your lower back and standing with your “elbows in your back-pockets” I’ve been able to shift the weight bearing spots in my hips and lower back to relieve a lot of pressure and pain in the inflamed area. *thanks Gabrielle for the elbows in your pocket video 😉

    At this point surgery is still an option but this Yoga has been a blessing. Not just physical, but emotionally and spiritually as well. I hope that my advice is of some aid to your suffering and also I wish you a speedy recovery.


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Tania
    Hello artwednesday

    I am wondering Tania if I can ask you a question that may seem a little cheeky. Can you please tell me more about the circumstances around your diagnosis (ie is it from a doctor, using radiographic or other investigative means, or is it someone surmising that it is SI joint injury? I would like to know because it may in fact mean as artwednesday indirectly suggests, that you have a sciatic condition or some muscular injury/inflammation or nerve compression in that area. I agree with artwednesday’s approach too. Your posture in your other-than-yoga moments is just as important.

    All in all however (from what I glean from your post) I do believe that movement and stretching and correct precise mindful technique and alignment can give you back more symmetrical pose comfort. 😉

    I know I am already preaching to the converted here because you have noticed so much, but don’t be concerned about the depth on the difficult side. Try even harder on that side to keep excellent alignment. I recommend going to the forum, if you haven’t already, to investigate techniques of the poses that you refer to and see if anything resonates or works for you there. And then I invite you to come back here and give more specifics about the when, the how and the what for each of the poses so that we all can be of more help.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Dharminder Sarswa
    Post count: 4

    I am Dharminder. This is site for yoga training. You can visit this site for any type of yoga training.

    Have a nice day.

    Robert Scanlon (Webmaster)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 266

    Thank you Dharminder.

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