scoliosis and hyper extending knees

scoliosis and hyper extending knees2010-08-24T01:25:50+00:00
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  • fina14314
    Post count: 6

    I have been lurking on your site now for a while and love all the things i am reading, but i’m not getting much help on the scoliosis, (well atleast what i am looking for) I have been a long time believer that we can heal our own bodies. I was supposed to have surgery and was supposed to wear a brace as a child and swore against both of them. Through exercise (I am a pilates
    instructor) and stretch I have a pretty awesome back. (I still have a 53 degree thoracic curve, and a 48 lumber) but not bad rotation, so unless I am bent over, you can’t really tell that I have it! But I still want a healthier straighter spine! I have read that you had scoliosis and I wanted to know how often did you have to go to see results? I was doing the 30 day challenge. I felt SO GOOD, until about day 14, 15 i was in so much pain I could barely move. I had to stop going. I just went back to Bikram yesterday after three weeks off. It “feels good” for my back again, but I wanted to know how long before i can “see” results.
    I am also having difficulty in my knees hyper extending. I am pretty much “double jointed” everywhere. And I am lifting my quads and activating them as best I a can, but especially in standing head to knee pose, and separate standing leg stretch, I have hyper extended my knees and it hurts so badly. it’s like they “pop” backwards. any suggestions would be so appreciated! Thank you so much. I look forward to your answers and a strong, healthy back!

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Sarafina

    I don’t know how I overlooked this one! In the beginning I went 6-8 times per week for about 5 months. I started experiencing pain but the pain I had was never during class. It was more at night time when I was in bed. I found it really hard to turn over in bed without waking up. I actually LOVED that because I had proof positive that something was happening.

    So, what I need to know is what sort of pain, where, what triggers it exactly. In order for me to work out what’s going on I really request more details. I need to work out if it’s a problem of technique in your poses and to direct you appropriately!

    As far as hyper-extending knees: The imbalance that causes this issue may very well respond to some strengthening exercises. Have you checked out this thread on Hyperextended Knees?

    It could have some answers in there for you, and it may help us get closer to what you can specifically do!

    Looking forward to hearing from you and sorry for the delay.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 6

    THank you, the post on hyper extending did really help me! As far as the back goes. I am Never experiencing pain in class, if i could, i would stay in class all day long. I am experiencing lower back pain. Consistantly on my lower left side. I’d say QL, and a bit lower. I am also feeling pain in my neck, upper trap on the right side. I am really focused on my form when I am in class, never pushing farther than i can without having the best form that i can. For example in the “fixed firm pose” I try to really lift my right ribs up (because my left rib protrudes more) so that they are both equal. And when i’m doing rabbit pose, I try and stretch more on my concave side and look at my stomach and try and pull my belly in and pull the ribs in as equal as possible. Half moon, I push as hard as i can on both sides, and I’ve notice that I feel movement in my lower back. I feel like a “hallow sound” NOT like your cracking your back, but more like things are moving out of the way for other things. Ha that just sounds ridiculous. But all that being said, I am making adjustments trying to keep everything stacked, and aligned as best as I can. Should i be trying to make those adjustments with my ribs and back? I feel like I am “helping the correction along a little bit” But i don’t know 😉

    Post count: 6

    I’m sorry i realized i never really answered your question. I feel pain in the morning and at night, when brushing my teeth for example, I can’t bend straight down over the sink, I need to go a roundabout way to bend over. And after standing for a while. those are the main triggers. I sleep like a baby tho 😉 So luckily that has not been effected!

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Sarafina

    What occurred to me when I read your post (the second one) is that it’s possible that you’re thinking too much in class. I know it’s paramount to get good alignment but is it at all possible to let go and surrender a little? Are you able to cover the basics and then letting your body change at its own schedule?

    You can’t make your body change faster than it can. That pain you are getting in your QL region is so familiar to me!

    Start with the gross adjustments, work on hips square, shoulders even or whatever it is. On the floor try to lie straight. But then let go and do the pose. Have an awareness of your body in space but don’t try to do too much. You could be setting up too much tension in your strong intention to fix things.

    Does that make sense?

    Gabrielle 🙂

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