Sensitive skin, sensitivity to heat

Sensitive skin, sensitivity to heat2012-10-12T19:28:52+00:00
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  • dosomethin888
    Post count: 2

    Hi all!
    I have an interesting question and would really appreciate your serious answers. This is something that I’m very sensitive about and affects my life a lot.
    Whenever I am in the heat, usually in a hot car or when I’m wearing a jacket and my skin heats up to a certain temperature, my skin on my chest becomes blotchy and red. It’s very hot, red and ugly. Sometimes it goes up my neck, down my back and arms. Thank goodness it never goes to my face. It’s kind of a phenomenon and there is no known cause or cure. I’ve never done hot yoga before but I was thinking it would build up my bodies tolerance to heat and hopefully help with my “ailment.”
    Also, sometimes if I take a really hot shower, the tops of my knees, feet and hands will be red and blotchy also. So, in your opinion, do you think hot yoga would help or aggravate this? I don’t want to aggravate it! Lol
    I would appreciate all you yoga-ers to help me out on this.
    If I get some positive feedback I’m gonna sign up for some hot yoga classes.
    Thanks guys

    Post count: 23

    what happens when you sit in a dry or wet sauna? not that the hot room is the same as sitting in either one of the above mentioned, just curious.

    Post count: 24

    Wow – I am afflicted with the same condition (if you could call it a “condition”) as you, dosomethin888. No one else in my family has this problem, nor do any of my friends, so for YEARS I have thought that I was the only one like this! While it’s definitely embarrassing, especially when people draw attention to it by asking you what it is, it’s nice to know I’m not the only one!

    Just out of curiosity, do you workout? If so, does working out aggravate it?

    Post count: 2

    Wendy – Well, to be honest I don’t know because I haven’t been in a sauna in years! This started happening when I was 17 and now I’m 23 and I haven’t been in a sauna or hot tub since before then.

    Stickymat – Hi! Well, I don’t really work out. I should and I’m trying to get back into running. When I run or work out really only my arms get hot/red but from my experience the more in-shape I get, the less it happens. Maybe I have weird circulation or something? I’m about 60lbs. overweight although I don’t really look it. That might have something to do with it – not sure.
    Also, if I do something like sit-ups or where I’m putting a lot of stress on my stomach/chest my chest will get red, but I think that’s normal.

    Post count: 24

    I think you and I are in the same boat, more or less. I’m overweight as well, but I’ve had a weight problem for so long now that I can’t remember how much of a problem the red/blotchy skin was when I wasn’t overweight. I think that if being more in shape causes this to be less of a problem for you, that you should definitely go forward with the hot yoga, because it’s going to shape you up and help alleviate the problem in the long run. 🙂

    jonny sarasana
    Post count: 12

    i have very sensitive skin and can get terrible heat and sun rash. thankfully, i’ve never had a problem with red prickly blotches in or from yoga class… i think it has to do with the type of heat –from the inside out as opposed to outside in…. and with me having a good detoxifying sweat… if anything its the detergents that will make my skin upset… so i make sure to air out or wash my yoga clothes right away and soak them in baking soda and tea tree oil in the wash and rinse with vinegar… trader joes makes a good tea tree oil body wash that tingles and cools down my skin after class too 🙂

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