sitting up in between postures

sitting up in between postures2013-03-28T01:01:08+00:00
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  • parkbunny
    Post count: 13

    why do they have you lay down and then sit up fast in-between postures? I get/got really dizzy just doing this. I’ve only had 2 classes and I won’t be going back but I like this style. I just felt really dizzy doing all this change in position so fast..

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Cheryl

    There is so much to that comment! When you first start there is a TON of stuff you have to pay attention to. One of the possibilities is that your breath is not as deep or full as it could be: Because you’re a new yogini, AND because that attention is all about the sit-up (all those what and how to do the sit-up thoughts and attention). It’s highly likely that you’ve been holding your breath in class at times you are unaware of.

    Also with perhaps a recent return to activity your body is just getting used to moving blood etc around. So don’t worry. It’s pretty normal. I promise you that in a very short time, the sit-ups will just be a part of the practice that you enjoy (well, even just not even notice). They are just what you do. 😉

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 60

    I agree with Gabrielle that it will become easier once you have a good breathing pattern down. The situp is fast with a rapid exhale through the mouth because breathing like that is invigorating and gives you a burst of energy to get through the next posture. In contrast, we breath through our nose at other times in the class because this is more calming and brings the heart rate down. It takes some time, but hang in there…eventually it will feel more natural with practice.

    Post count: 13

    thank you Bunni and Gabrielle. Things like this do help in knowing I’m going to be okay. I will be practicing at home from now on so maybe I won’t be holding my breath as much. yes, I can see how I was holding but didn’t notice when it was happening until I took a big deep breath. If that makes sense. You think you’re breathing and you really not.

    I’m so very exciting. I really want to do this. Learn like a lesson instead of just do this do that and not do it correctly and not know what to expect. They do not tell you this in classes because I see we are all at different levels in class so they don’t want to *boar* the regulars but they leave the rest of us in the back row to figure it out.

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