Sleep after yoga class

Sleep after yoga class2008-03-06T19:15:34+00:00
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    Post count: 134

    Posted by Eve

    Hi again,

    I was wondering if anybody else has experienced sleeping problems after doing evening classes.

    I am so tired but wake up every hour during the night. I have now started doing 6.30 morning classes to avoid this but I am really wondering what is happening to my body….

    Thanks & Namaste *eve*

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    R. Bach

    Robert Scanlon (Webmaster)
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    Post count: 266

    Yes Eve, I surely have experienced that (and it is common for people just beginning; those on challenges; and teacher training).

    Some people sleep like a log from yoga – but when you have the intention to really change; or you are working hard coming back from a break (that’s me on more than one occasion), the changes in your body, especially after a class later in the day can cause disturbed sleep patterns.

    Let alone the muscles re-setting themselves!

    I used to toss and turn just with the muscles not being happy to stay in one place in the bed (a little achy!).

    The good news is, as far as I have observed, it does pass pretty quickly …


    Post count: 1

    Good news! I have been practising lots more over the last 3 weeks (5-7x a week) and I can sleep again.
    So yes, it was just a temporary thing I guess.


    Post count: 15

    I had similar problem when started with Bikram.

    I would wake up at 2am completely fresh finding it hard to fall asleep again. Then I would get up at 6:30am with no problems, but the interrupted sleep bothered me a lot.

    This happened around 5 times at the beginning.

    Now I am back to sleeping like a log.



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