"Sleep" in eyes after bikram

"Sleep" in eyes after bikram2012-12-21T20:23:00+00:00
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  • BackRowBuddhist
    Post count: 1

    I love Bikram and am planning to start my first 30-day challenge on New Year’s!

    I know this is a gross topic to some, but has anyone else had a problem with having tons of eye gunk after a Bikram session? It’s more a nuisance than anything I worry about, but after a post-Bikram night’s sleep, I wake up with tons of “sleep” in my eyes. I think the medical term is “rheum.” Sometimes it’s a little hard to get my eyes open, and I have actually scratched my eyelids trying to get it all out.

    Sorry if this grosses anyone out, but if you’ve had this issue, and could offer a solution, I’d be grateful!


    Robert Scanlon (Webmaster)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 266

    Hi Andrew – yes I have had plenty of personal experience with this!

    It hits me most when the following is true:

    * I practice in the afternoon/evening (but it does happen from morning classes too)
    * The room is VERY humid and a lot of sweat is happening
    * I am in the first few classes “back” after a break

    I have come to do a couple of things to help:

    Firstly I believe in my case it is both acclimation and acclimatization and after 10 or so classes in a short period (eg 10 days) it does reduce dramatically, though extreme humidity/heat combination can bring it back

    Secondly, I usually wash my eyes (just bathe in clean water) a few times during the day/night after class and this helps a lot

    I can tell if I am likely to be afflicted just by the way my eyes feel after class – and so I get straight onto gentle bathing.

    Finally, make sure your hydration is thorough and you are getting plenty of salt replenishment, especially if you are a “salty-sweater”!

    I hope that helps and good luck with your challenge, let us know how you get on!

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