SO frustrated! returning to regular practice after a break

SO frustrated! returning to regular practice after a break2011-08-10T10:05:38+00:00
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  • mel723
    Post count: 3

    hey everyone,

    i returned to practicing about 3 weeks ago after about 2-3 months of only going 1-2x a month at most. prior to this serious downgrade in frequency, i was going about 4-5x a week (and completed two 30 day challenges since i started practicing back in 3/10)–i [used to–see below] consider myself a decent practitioner (not just in frequency, but in “quality” [for lack of a better word?] as well, and compared to my present situation, never got nauseous and only got dizzy from time to time). since i’ve returned about 3 weeks ago, i’ve been going to class 3x/week. ok, so! there’s the background info.

    my practice is HORRIBLE. HORRIBLE. it’s not even a matter of my flexibility and strength being horrible–i know that will take time to get back to what it was, and i’m ok with that–it’s that at approximately the end of standing forehead to knee, i get ridiculously nauseous, light headed, and dizzy and can barely seem to complete one set of the remaining postures. aside from other things, this means that i don’t even have a chance to work on my postures to build back my strength and flexibility. i understand that going back after a break is difficult, but this seems way way excessive, and even when i was only going 1-2x a month for the last 2-3 months, did about 100x better than i am doing now. and it seems to be getting worse. last night after class, i was so “out of it” and had to sit in my studio’s lobby for a while because i could barely stand/felt like i was going to puke (…and not to gross anyone out too much–though since we all endure the sweat-fest of hot yoga, it seems hard to do–for the first time, i felt the need to kneel over the toilet in the locker room after my shower because i felt like i was going to puke). i’ve also noticed my heart rate after class remains very high, which i never noticed before.

    i really can’t pinpoint anything that’s drastically different in my life/body now compared to when i began practicing/was going 4-5x a week. the only thing i’m doing “different” is that i’m on Weight Watchers, though i really don’t think it’s that, because i feel more than “full”/my eating habits prior to WW weren’t such that i can believe this is all from a reduction in intake (i.e. my diet really hasn’t drastically changed, WW just helps me control and track snacking/overeating and drinking on weekends, which fortunately seems to be helping weight loss).

    anyway, i’m starting to lose hope. what gives? any suggestions? anything would be appreciated at this point.

    frustrated (and sleepless… arg!),

    Post count: 103

    Are you hydrating well? That may be it. Especially in the summertime.

    Hope things look up with your practice soon!

    Post count: 3

    hey, thanks so much for your reply! i drink about 2 liters of water throughout the day prior to practicing, so not sure that’s it. arg.

    Post count: 44

    I don’t know if things have gotten any better for you. but I probably drink 2 liters of water before I go to class at 6am. And probably drink close to 6 – 8 liters per day.

    I have a friend in my class who has gone to class basically daily for the last 6 months. And then one day she hit a wall somewhat like you’re hitting. She kept at it, not really doing anything differently, and it passed. The trouble is that the more it happens, the more you can expect it to happen, and then one starts telling oneself messages, which are not helpful — like your practice is “horrible”. It is what it is today. It may be the same tomorrow. And it may not be. Either way, I think doing some yoga is better than doing none at all.

    Hoping it gets better for you soon…

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Mel

    There are some signs in there of some heat exhaustion. (google that if you need to!)

    I would like to know whether you think it is pose related. You said it happened “approximately at the end of head to knee”. Do you think it is as a result of this pose or perhaps trying standing bow?

    Springtime is absolutely correct. You could possibly setting up poor conditions by anticipating them or expecting them to happen (even unconsciously).

    Non-supportive self-talk plus perhaps trying to overcompensate by trying hard (and perhaps with heat exhaustion thrown in) could be throwing you completely off your yoga track.

    Certainly it’s not useful to be considering your practice to be “horrible”. So without negating the possibility that something is physiologically out of whack, I thought it was worth asking you about the poses themselves.

    Now that you’ve had a little time since you first posted, how are things going?

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 3

    thanks for your replies. things are [very] slowly but surely getting better. i feel like i have more control to push myself now without feeling like i am going to keel over and die (haha). certainly not back to where i would like to be, but trying to stay positive and not, as you guys have suggested, psyche myself out of things w/ negative thinking.

    hopefully things continue to get better!

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Mel

    Have FUN trying. Be easy on yourself. Remember to surrender. AND recover.

    Gabrielle 🙂

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